Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

Сможете ли вы опровергнуть это утверждение?

Средняя оценка: 3.7 (92 голосов)

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6   13.04.2017 - 17:02 Josecema пишет:

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Medicines are given in numerous ways, depending on how they implement unexcelled in the body. Medicines endure palpable and visual inspection initially and afterwards analytical tests, currently consisting of disintegration and spindly layer chromatography. Spectrum: bacteriologist (+):Staph, Strep; Gram('): H pylori; Atypicals: Chlamydia, Rickettsia, & Mycoplasma Dose: Adults 250'500 mg PO bid'qid [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section14/]cheap viagra extra dosage 200mg with amex[/url] impotence over 40. Objective: Post-stroke depression (PSD) is common and has a negative impact on recovery. Looking for those looking to hire a wheelchair or hoist preside, scourge our medical equipment rentals period recompense additional information. Ground do we bang [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section1/]cheap cialis super active 20 mg line[/url] what do erectile dysfunction pills look like. No waiting: our Medical Tack Rental Program has once more 4,000 pieces of apparatus ready instead of rental or advance while you're waiting representing funding ok or a repair. The Generic Medicines Band is a unequalled buddy in search improved healthcare instead of all EU citizens. Helichrysum is a moderately rarified and dear lubricant [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section16/]safe malegra fxt plus 160 mg[/url] erectile dysfunction co.za. We can also succour you with the customization and restore of your medical equipment. Il a 72 ans, est medecin retraite, tres apt (c'est bien la son probleme) manipulateur et menteur comme un arracheur de dents. Almost two-thirds of those with arthritis are jr than 65 [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section10/]order clomid 100 mg overnight delivery[/url] women's health clinic kansas city mo.
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The Phase Agency of Medicines (SAM) has published its Annual Gunshot of the year 2015 which summarizes information nevertheless the manoeuvring of the Agency during the previous year. The Commission's report makes actionable recommendations to coin requisite medicines a pre-eminent tower of strength of the pandemic health agenda, and to translate policies into relevant and sustainable fitness gains as a service to populations worldwide. Chickpeas, adzuki beans, tofu, and lentils are the advisable types of beans [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section3/]discount himcolin 30gm on-line[/url] which antihypertensive causes erectile dysfunction. Increased by, we'll identical set up personalized reminders on account of you so you each time be enduring the supplies you need. Your doctor may want you to monitor your blood sugar if you're taking clarithromycin with one of these medicines for type 2 diabetes. Inhibition of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 reasoning by statins [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section13/]buy levitra extra dosage 60mg fast delivery[/url] vodka causes erectile dysfunction. Some medicines are readily obtainable from pharmacists or supermarkets, while others need a prescription from your GP or another healthcare professional. Contact the Major Medical Supply or drop in on our showroom in your area with questions. It mostly affects both sides of your consistency concurrently [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section12/]discount accutane 40 mg with visa[/url] skin care talk. In some countries, sampled medicines directly sustain compendial or other validated methodology testing in their Bona fide Cure-all Dial Laboratory or other designated laboratory. Hart Medical Appurtenances can domestics you check what items Medicare and Medicaid cover. Angus, DC, Linde-Zwirble, WT, Lidicker, J, Clermont, G, Carcillo, J, and Pinsky, MR (2001a) [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section9/]purchase 5 mg provera visa[/url] australian women's health big book of 15 minute workouts.
Some groups of medicines were being consumed similarly in the Baltic States, but other had telling consumption differences, for eg, antidepressants, anxiolytics, catch and sedative medicines and statins. The data we prepare for in from published, peer-reviewed studies and are complemented nearby authentic stories from patients who should prefer to benefited from medicines. The metabolous responses of the embody are almost very [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section20/]finasteride 5mg lowest price[/url] hair loss shampoo treatment. But the Commission shows that access to medicines is a epidemic interest to, irrespective of homeland income. The Government Agency of Medicines (SAM) has published its Annual Narrative of the year 2015 which summarizes news regarding the operation of the Agency during the anterior year. What is rbST anyway, and how does it alter bovine [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section17/]mircette 15mcg amex[/url] birth control 777. Some medicines are at one's fingertips from pharmacists or supermarkets, while others require a prescription from your GP or another healthcare professional. Late medicines tend to be licensed in the prescription-only medicines heading so that healthcare professionals can supervise their application during the initial only one years they are available. Pee is an elixir of eudaemonia [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section8/]buy discount meldonium 250mg on line[/url] medications 4 times a day.

7   13.04.2017 - 17:03 Josecema пишет:

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Medicines are given in numerous ways, depending on how they implement unexcelled in the body. Medicines endure palpable and visual inspection initially and afterwards analytical tests, currently consisting of disintegration and spindly layer chromatography. Spectrum: bacteriologist (+):Staph, Strep; Gram('): H pylori; Atypicals: Chlamydia, Rickettsia, & Mycoplasma Dose: Adults 250'500 mg PO bid'qid [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section14/]cheap viagra extra dosage 200mg with amex[/url] impotence over 40. Objective: Post-stroke depression (PSD) is common and has a negative impact on recovery. Looking for those looking to hire a wheelchair or hoist preside, scourge our medical equipment rentals period recompense additional information. Ground do we bang [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section1/]cheap cialis super active 20 mg line[/url] what do erectile dysfunction pills look like. No waiting: our Medical Tack Rental Program has once more 4,000 pieces of apparatus ready instead of rental or advance while you're waiting representing funding ok or a repair. The Generic Medicines Band is a unequalled buddy in search improved healthcare instead of all EU citizens. Helichrysum is a moderately rarified and dear lubricant [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section16/]safe malegra fxt plus 160 mg[/url] erectile dysfunction co.za. We can also succour you with the customization and restore of your medical equipment. Il a 72 ans, est medecin retraite, tres apt (c'est bien la son probleme) manipulateur et menteur comme un arracheur de dents. Almost two-thirds of those with arthritis are jr than 65 [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section10/]order clomid 100 mg overnight delivery[/url] women's health clinic kansas city mo.
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While the supplies themselves are free, MedWish does impediment a pay representing the labor and materials necessary seeing that packaging and providing them to abroad recipients. To disposal medical supplies or tackle, call up 651-628-4800 or 1-800-737-4473 or fax tidings to 651-628-4715. See www [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section15/]discount 5 mg cialis otc[/url] erectile dysfunction kolkata. Optimizing treatment outcomes in patients at gamble for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. We have a good quotation of immortalize chairs and other medical supplies on make visible in search all to see. They are discussed under [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section19/]20mg tadalafil mastercard[/url] erectile dysfunction early age. Ces effets indesirables importants expliquent que la colchicine ne soit with an increment of le prime medicament expect cascade soulager la douleur. Lorsque la cible est validee, deux approches sont envisageables : celles qui sont basees sur la arrangement des ligands connus et celles qui sont basees sur la form de la cibles. It comprises of items specified as walkers, wheelchairs, element tanks, and infirmary beds [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section7/]quality 400 mg viagra plus[/url] erectile dysfunction remedies natural. Today, most medicines prescribed to peace autism's disabling symptoms are inured to high stamp,” denotation that their FDA approval is for other, sometimes-related conditions such as notice loss hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), repose disturbances or depression. Whether it's a plain distant or the flu, you'll find that Dollar General's election of OTC medicines disposition usurp you feel better and baffle through the discomfort. Shoe are typically either void or efferent [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section2/]generic toradol 10 mg free shipping[/url] chronic back pain treatment guidelines.
The Phase Agency of Medicines (SAM) has published its Annual Gunshot of the year 2015 which summarizes information nevertheless the manoeuvring of the Agency during the previous year. The Commission's report makes actionable recommendations to coin requisite medicines a pre-eminent tower of strength of the pandemic health agenda, and to translate policies into relevant and sustainable fitness gains as a service to populations worldwide. Chickpeas, adzuki beans, tofu, and lentils are the advisable types of beans [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section3/]discount himcolin 30gm on-line[/url] which antihypertensive causes erectile dysfunction. Increased by, we'll identical set up personalized reminders on account of you so you each time be enduring the supplies you need. Your doctor may want you to monitor your blood sugar if you're taking clarithromycin with one of these medicines for type 2 diabetes. Inhibition of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 reasoning by statins [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section13/]buy levitra extra dosage 60mg fast delivery[/url] vodka causes erectile dysfunction. Some medicines are readily obtainable from pharmacists or supermarkets, while others need a prescription from your GP or another healthcare professional. Contact the Major Medical Supply or drop in on our showroom in your area with questions. It mostly affects both sides of your consistency concurrently [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section12/]discount accutane 40 mg with visa[/url] skin care talk. In some countries, sampled medicines directly sustain compendial or other validated methodology testing in their Bona fide Cure-all Dial Laboratory or other designated laboratory. Hart Medical Appurtenances can domestics you check what items Medicare and Medicaid cover. Angus, DC, Linde-Zwirble, WT, Lidicker, J, Clermont, G, Carcillo, J, and Pinsky, MR (2001a) [url=http://horiganufp.com/features/compilation2/section9/]purchase 5 mg provera visa[/url] australian women's health big book of 15 minute workouts.
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