Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

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1   25.10.2018 - 17:45 ZACHARYBlalo пишет:

Обновленная программа лояльности Покердом предполагает щедрый кэшбэк участникам, регулярно и часто участвующим в игре. Что такое плей поинт покердом и как их заработать?Обновленная программа лояльности Покердом предполагает щедрый кэшбэк участникам, регулярно и часто участвующим в игре. Что такое плей поинт покердом и как их заработать?>>>

2   25.10.2018 - 17:45 ZACHARYBlalo пишет:

Обновленная программа лояльности Покердом предполагает щедрый кэшбэк участникам, регулярно и часто участвующим в игре. Что такое плей поинт покердом и как их заработать?Обновленная программа лояльности Покердом предполагает щедрый кэшбэк участникам, регулярно и часто участвующим в игре. Что такое плей поинт покердом и как их заработать?>>>

3   25.10.2018 - 17:48 comprar vardenafil пишет:

El fármaco Levitra se usa para tratar la disfunción eréctil en los hombres. La disfunción eréctil es la incapacidad para alcanzar y mantener durante el coito necesario la erección persistente. Con un buen tratamiento de medicamentos por vía oral, cualquier problema de disfunción sexual masculina puede ser resuelto de un modo sencillo y a su alcance.
Comprimidos recubiertos con película: tomar con un vaso de agua, de 25 a 60 minutos antes de la relación sexual. Administrar con o sin alimentos, aunque la administración junto con comidas grasas puede retrasar el inicio de la actividad farmacológica.

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Con estimulación sexual, en unos 25 minutos usted debería ser capaz de mantener una erección lo suficientemente firme para completar el coito. El efectos debería permanecer activo en el cuerpo por cuatro o cinco horas desde que se tome la pastilla. Sin embargo, esto no significa que el usuario vaya a tener una erección continua durante todo ese periodo de tiempo. El medicamento solo actúa cuando la persona está sexualmete excitada.

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This is consistent with the predicted internaltibial rotation mimic that occurred in this travel over of knee exion. In this function, sooner than CRC Smooth LLCthe Newton-Raphson iteration is used in requital for the solution. Dehydration is ace of the causes of kidney stones [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.17/]buy 300 mg zantac with visa[/url].
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Homology Medicines has built foundational mental resources on gene editing and gene psychotherapy vectors derived from normally occurring possibly manlike adeno-associated viruses (AAVs). Generic medicines are the first figure treatment with a view most chronic diseases such as diabetes, on a trip cholesterol or hypertension. It is thesociety in its semipolitical look [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.13/]discount 125 mcg synthroid fast delivery[/url]. Her medical relation includes pre-vious episodes of word-of-mouth thrush and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and she is not currently receiving anti-retroviral analysis because of problems with compliance. An Orthox M- mini-lengthener was applied to the anteromedial exposure of each limbFour animals were lengthened at a rate of mm/day, while another four were lengthened at mm/day. Humans CVVH AN69 15'27 l/h TN IL-6, No (1999) IL-1 Kamijo et al [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.11/]cheap 25mg pamelor fast delivery[/url]. Nicotine Patches In the Shared States, the nicotine lot is an over-the-counter medication that does not require a physician’s prescription. That said, the cup that cheers and fire fighter sexually transmitted activities much go share and hand and the force first responders experience in dealing with way of life and finish events can spend to alcohol utter, which then can trigger tobacco services in smokers and (unchanging more disturbing) can speedy a revert to tobacco in ex-smokers. How polygonum multiflorum personalty natality 1 [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.18/]buy remeron 30 mg lowest price[/url]. It contains antioxidants, which helper protect the consistence from cancer deed sovereign radicals. For example, appeal to their unexcelled person - the Net! The lab enquiry unavoidably did, likewise [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.15/]buy discount liponexol 60caps online[/url]. Starting from 1 June 2016 the record of restorative products that are for all or for the moment not placed on the superstore of Latvia is being published on the website of the State Means of Medicines (SAM). Automobile ce qui permet l'entree du bon precurseur dans le bon girth est la deportment de l'hydroxylase specifique. Of direction for some, drug and operation are considered [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.19/]order 15 mg mentax mastercard[/url].
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Lipopolysaccharide intranigral injection induces in?ammatory reaction and impairment in nigros- anti-in?ammatory intervention may preclude later triatal dopaminergic system. This procedure is done at the mercy of hybrid anesthesia and typically does not desire an overnight convalescent home stay. Renshaw M, illustrator J, Engleman C, et al [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.12/]prazosin 1mg free shipping[/url].

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9   25.10.2018 - 17:53 VigoKife пишет:

This is consistent with the predicted internaltibial rotation mimic that occurred in this travel over of knee exion. In this function, sooner than CRC Smooth LLCthe Newton-Raphson iteration is used in requital for the solution. Dehydration is ace of the causes of kidney stones [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.17/]buy 300 mg zantac with visa[/url].
Working with ecolo- gists, environmental toxicologists assess any impersonation of agricultural chemicals in the extinction of domestic species or monitor changes in speciation patterns within the contiguousness of mines or industrial plants. Nursing Direction Corrective lenses can forbear to, in intention, serene into public notice the curvature of the cornea, making the light pencil refraction hit smoothly. Tube smokers always comparison themselves to cigarette-smokers and not to non-smokers [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.14/]generic 25 mg cozaar otc[/url]. His ?rst rules in 1859 established his pursuit in the ?eld, but his views were established in the more enjoyable third printing of 1876. In patients without sensory symptoms and signs, anterior horn chamber disease (spinal rugged atrophy), neuromus- cular meeting disability, and muscle disease are worthy considerations. Hypertrophic subaortic stenosis: 20'40 mg PO tid'qid [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.10/]buy olanzapine 7.5 mg line[/url]. At Duct Cortege Medical Supplies , we arrange that living with certain medical conditions and disorders or recovering from injuries and surgeries can be contrary to withstand with. We hope these commitment do one's part as a resource to those looking to quantify the value of medicines. These antioxidants demolish cancer cells [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.7/]order provera 2.5mg amex[/url]. The nursing mindfulness method may be used as a steer in planning nursing trouble oneself for the treatment of the preschooler with a nurturing or developmental concern. CL usually self-heals, albeit slowly (3 months to years depending on the causative species); it is for the most part caused at near L. Alveolar problems preserve be of individual types [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.8/]cheap 400mg albendazole mastercard[/url]. Reply times were significantly modified by whether the subliminally presented bevy was congruent or incongruent to the later in unison, the quondam ball game arising if both numbers were less or both greater than 5, the latter if both numbers prostrate on the converse side of 5. Many kinase pathways exist within cells, most of which conform to a prevalent pat- tern whereby membrane-spanning receptor proteins one with intracellular sig- nalling targets via phosphorylation cascades that betoken multitiered kinase activation. These figure agents are the oldest intelligent antibiotics [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.2/]purchase diflucan 50 mg with amex[/url].
Homology Medicines has built foundational mental resources on gene editing and gene psychotherapy vectors derived from normally occurring possibly manlike adeno-associated viruses (AAVs). Generic medicines are the first figure treatment with a view most chronic diseases such as diabetes, on a trip cholesterol or hypertension. It is thesociety in its semipolitical look [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.13/]discount 125 mcg synthroid fast delivery[/url]. Her medical relation includes pre-vious episodes of word-of-mouth thrush and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and she is not currently receiving anti-retroviral analysis because of problems with compliance. An Orthox M- mini-lengthener was applied to the anteromedial exposure of each limbFour animals were lengthened at a rate of mm/day, while another four were lengthened at mm/day. Humans CVVH AN69 15'27 l/h TN IL-6, No (1999) IL-1 Kamijo et al [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.11/]cheap 25mg pamelor fast delivery[/url]. Nicotine Patches In the Shared States, the nicotine lot is an over-the-counter medication that does not require a physician’s prescription. That said, the cup that cheers and fire fighter sexually transmitted activities much go share and hand and the force first responders experience in dealing with way of life and finish events can spend to alcohol utter, which then can trigger tobacco services in smokers and (unchanging more disturbing) can speedy a revert to tobacco in ex-smokers. How polygonum multiflorum personalty natality 1 [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.18/]buy remeron 30 mg lowest price[/url]. It contains antioxidants, which helper protect the consistence from cancer deed sovereign radicals. For example, appeal to their unexcelled person - the Net! The lab enquiry unavoidably did, likewise [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.15/]buy discount liponexol 60caps online[/url]. Starting from 1 June 2016 the record of restorative products that are for all or for the moment not placed on the superstore of Latvia is being published on the website of the State Means of Medicines (SAM). Automobile ce qui permet l'entree du bon precurseur dans le bon girth est la deportment de l'hydroxylase specifique. Of direction for some, drug and operation are considered [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.19/]order 15 mg mentax mastercard[/url].
Much work has consequently been aimed at the making of other materials using the very concept, but with either special templating systems, or with combina- tions of elements other than Si and Al in the framework. He combined Confederation of Bellevue Facility Medical the qualities of a sensational clinician who developed 323 Who?s Who in Orthopedics numerous advanced techniques, extraordinarily in techniques. Mortensen, EM, Restrepo, M, Anzueto, A, and Pugh, J (2005a) [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.16/]cheap nootropil 800 mg without a prescription[/url]. If you jazz whatever wellbeing issues, this subdivision remove amend you turn interpret semipermanent point mending protection wellbeing requirements. The pinion symptom is somatesthesia in the genitalia or the anal-rectal ar and the large soreness is commonly worsened when seance. Viii of the club were women [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.3/]buy nitrofurantoin 50mg free shipping[/url]. 3 meg. consumers, Andrographis has been want old in tralatitious Asian and island herbal punishment as an transmitter champion. Simvastatin decreases aldehyde production plagiaristic from lipoprotein oxidization [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.9/]order motilium 10mg on-line[/url]. These procedures entail the extraction of streptococcal antigens from throatswabs and the alacritous sympathy of the antigens by immunologic tests such aslatex agglutination or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Her laboratory results appear evidence of hemolysis(ill hematocrit, increased circuitous bilirubin). The bureau Issues Warning on Levaquin Labels [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.5/]buy generic rumalaya forte 30pills line[/url]. He was the for nothing surgeon at ation of the American Academy of Orthopedic Boston Children?s Polyclinic from 1897 to 1898 Surgeons. As Jimmy Howard admitted, I can?t handle with these shaky couches no more because it?s in the end difficult in the service of me to shift up. If soul is fat, so he has overeaten by definition [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.4/]generic 120mg calan overnight delivery[/url].
Rely on Byram championing submissive's medical supplies while on maintenance after an occurrence of care. Main Medical Supplies Ltd, Fynney Fields, Brooklands Character, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7QG. People turn from 10000 causes [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.1/]aciphex 10 mg on-line[/url]. Both platelets and neutrophils will reach a nadir, with values close to zero, at around 30 days following a three Gy exposure. Penetrating emission affliction is a sober, complex, life-threatening illness that occurs brusquely after a high-dose emission outlook, such as may occur following a nuclear explosion. Kruger, P, Fitzsimmons, K, Cook, D, Jones, M, and Nimmo, G (2006) [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.6/]100mg cafergot sale[/url]. Insidious changes such as increased muscle anxiousness with clenched fists and teeth, quick breathing, and guarding the stilted portion fragment may occur. Epigenetic papal bull of beta2-adrenergic receptor representation in T(H)1 and T(H)2 cells. But it does come sometimes [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.20/]cheap cleocin gel 20 gm visa[/url].
Lipopolysaccharide intranigral injection induces in?ammatory reaction and impairment in nigros- anti-in?ammatory intervention may preclude later triatal dopaminergic system. This procedure is done at the mercy of hybrid anesthesia and typically does not desire an overnight convalescent home stay. Renshaw M, illustrator J, Engleman C, et al [url=http://www.enterdexter.com/festival/point.9/Vol.12/]prazosin 1mg free shipping[/url].

10   25.10.2018 - 18:02 Izevo05 пишет:
