Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

Сможете ли вы опровергнуть это утверждение?

Средняя оценка: 3.7 (93 голосов)

1   26.07.2018 - 10:05 Bakosti пишет:

Очень часто в реальной жизни появляются такие ситуации, когда без заемных средств не обойтись. Идти в банковский институт – не всегда отличная идея. Это может быть ненадежно, а также вас вынудят подготовить большой пакет справок в разных служебных учреждениях. Оптимально принять онлайн займы на карту. Активы будут перечислены быстро, а распоряжаться деньгами вы сможете в тот же день.

Чтобы заполучить финансы в банковском учреждении – вам потребуется поручительство от вашего работодателя или другого субъекта хозяйственной деятельности. Отметим и то, что, онлайн займы на карту без отказа переводятся моментально и вам не надо терять лишнее время. Все заявки просматриваются через 7-14 минут после их активации, затем средства перечисляются на банковскую карту.

Зачем получать срочный займ?

Сейчас эра инновационных технологий невероятно распространена. Достаточно лиц используют паутину для решения всех персональных вопросов, в том числе и срочных. Так, к примеру, с помощью паутины вы можете купить суши на дом, или оплатить книги в фирме.

Хотя, как же быть, если денег на счету не хватает? Происходят и такие ситуации, что на вашем корпоративном счету нету активов, а рубли могут быть нужны на перевод в другой город очень срочно. К сожалению, моментальные ситуации в рабочей жизни появляются мгновенно, среди них потребуется выделить аварии, медицинские услуги, транспортные работы и многое другое.

В любом положении лучшим вариантом считается кредитование. Вам одобрят кредит, и вы обретете - займы онлайн на карту моментально без отказа круглосуточно. МФО одобряют сейчас практически все заявления, из-за чего МФО ценятся больше, чем банковские компании, в которых ведется жесткий отбор.

Кто может получить срочный займ?

Банковские фирмы загоняют в плохую ситуацию даже тех женщин, которые имеют на руках все справки и прошли все процедуры. К сожалению, из-за этого банковским институтам в это время не лучший вариант доверять. Они могут подставить таких людей, как:
- люди в возрасте 60+ (на пенсии);
- студенты без официального места работы;
- бедные люди;
- клиенты, которые нарушили какие-то убеждения однажды;
- не резиденты государства;
- люди с регистрацией из другого поселения.

Именно по этой причине всем выше описанным личностям лучше писать в компанию, которая предоставляет online средства. Вы сможете получить займ с одобрением в 99%, если относитесь к личностям из вышеперечисленных.

Преимущества виртуальных займов

Достаточно много персон думают, что кредит необходимо получить мгновенно, чтобы устранить свои проблемы. Однако, в банках это возможно сделать не всегда. Особенно по этой причине каждый желающий может прийти в МФО и оформить кредит, если у него будет паспорт и код. Не нужно предоставлять документы о наличии земли.

Заемщику также не нужно гарантийное обязательство со стороны. Займы виртуальные на карту переводятся очень быстро. Каждый клиент сможет принять кредит в любое время дня и ночи. Такие фирмы онлайн круглые сутки. Важно и то, что в онлайн кредитных сообществах нет бюрократии.

Человеку не надо показывать договор с места работы и не нужно показывать доходы. Всё, что потребуется организовать – внимательно изучить все параметры, которые предлагает кредитор. После этого вы сможете воспользоваться онлайн-займом и получить микрозайм очень быстро.

Где же получить заем онлайн?

Сегодня очень много online филиалов предлагают займы онлайн на карту без отказа, однако, выбрать надёжную фирму сложно. Надо изучить общий перечень услуг, которые такая компания предлагает. Организовать это можно, если вы подберете список МФО. Оптимальнее для этого подходит все-займы-тут.рф, где любой желающий имеет шанс получить займ на карту без проверки кредитной истории.

Отметим и то, что компания оказывает большой спектр услуг. Компания предлагает не только вас как потенциального клиента кредитным организациям, но и наоборот. Из-за этого каждый человек может рассчитывать на финансовую помощь. Займы на банковскую карту перечисляются мгновенно. Вы можете принять деньги на любую платежную систему.

Ключевым достоинством организации является и то, что при возникновении различных вопросов вы можете обратиться в technical support. Администраторы сразу же проинформируют вас. Вы можете персонально выбрать компанию с её кредитным рейтингом. Финансы выдаются на срок, важна и общая сумма, которую может выдать заемщик. Все процентные ставки в целом низкие, из-за чего у фирмы невероятно много потребителей.

Если вы стремитесь оформить деньги без отказа, лучше всего написать на все-займы-тут.рф, ваша заявка будет быстро обработана, а средства зачислены на ваш личный счет. В компании невероятно комфортные условия получения средств. Выделим и то, что фирма сотрудничает с официальными кредитными гигантами, которые официально функционируют.

2   26.07.2018 - 10:06 Bakosti пишет:

Очень часто в реальной жизни появляются такие ситуации, когда без заемных средств не обойтись. Идти в банковский институт – не всегда отличная идея. Это может быть ненадежно, а также вас вынудят подготовить большой пакет справок в разных служебных учреждениях. Оптимально принять онлайн займы на карту. Активы будут перечислены быстро, а распоряжаться деньгами вы сможете в тот же день.

Чтобы заполучить финансы в банковском учреждении – вам потребуется поручительство от вашего работодателя или другого субъекта хозяйственной деятельности. Отметим и то, что, онлайн займы на карту без отказа переводятся моментально и вам не надо терять лишнее время. Все заявки просматриваются через 7-14 минут после их активации, затем средства перечисляются на банковскую карту.

Зачем получать срочный займ?

Сейчас эра инновационных технологий невероятно распространена. Достаточно лиц используют паутину для решения всех персональных вопросов, в том числе и срочных. Так, к примеру, с помощью паутины вы можете купить суши на дом, или оплатить книги в фирме.

Хотя, как же быть, если денег на счету не хватает? Происходят и такие ситуации, что на вашем корпоративном счету нету активов, а рубли могут быть нужны на перевод в другой город очень срочно. К сожалению, моментальные ситуации в рабочей жизни появляются мгновенно, среди них потребуется выделить аварии, медицинские услуги, транспортные работы и многое другое.

В любом положении лучшим вариантом считается кредитование. Вам одобрят кредит, и вы обретете - займы онлайн на карту моментально без отказа круглосуточно. МФО одобряют сейчас практически все заявления, из-за чего МФО ценятся больше, чем банковские компании, в которых ведется жесткий отбор.

Кто может получить срочный займ?

Банковские фирмы загоняют в плохую ситуацию даже тех женщин, которые имеют на руках все справки и прошли все процедуры. К сожалению, из-за этого банковским институтам в это время не лучший вариант доверять. Они могут подставить таких людей, как:
- люди в возрасте 60+ (на пенсии);
- студенты без официального места работы;
- бедные люди;
- клиенты, которые нарушили какие-то убеждения однажды;
- не резиденты государства;
- люди с регистрацией из другого поселения.

Именно по этой причине всем выше описанным личностям лучше писать в компанию, которая предоставляет online средства. Вы сможете получить займ с одобрением в 99%, если относитесь к личностям из вышеперечисленных.

Преимущества виртуальных займов

Достаточно много персон думают, что кредит необходимо получить мгновенно, чтобы устранить свои проблемы. Однако, в банках это возможно сделать не всегда. Особенно по этой причине каждый желающий может прийти в МФО и оформить кредит, если у него будет паспорт и код. Не нужно предоставлять документы о наличии земли.

Заемщику также не нужно гарантийное обязательство со стороны. Займы виртуальные на карту переводятся очень быстро. Каждый клиент сможет принять кредит в любое время дня и ночи. Такие фирмы онлайн круглые сутки. Важно и то, что в онлайн кредитных сообществах нет бюрократии.

Человеку не надо показывать договор с места работы и не нужно показывать доходы. Всё, что потребуется организовать – внимательно изучить все параметры, которые предлагает кредитор. После этого вы сможете воспользоваться онлайн-займом и получить микрозайм очень быстро.

Где же получить заем онлайн?

Сегодня очень много online филиалов предлагают займы онлайн на карту без отказа, однако, выбрать надёжную фирму сложно. Надо изучить общий перечень услуг, которые такая компания предлагает. Организовать это можно, если вы подберете список МФО. Оптимальнее для этого подходит все-займы-тут.рф, где любой желающий имеет шанс получить займ на карту без проверки кредитной истории.

Отметим и то, что компания оказывает большой спектр услуг. Компания предлагает не только вас как потенциального клиента кредитным организациям, но и наоборот. Из-за этого каждый человек может рассчитывать на финансовую помощь. Займы на банковскую карту перечисляются мгновенно. Вы можете принять деньги на любую платежную систему.

Ключевым достоинством организации является и то, что при возникновении различных вопросов вы можете обратиться в technical support. Администраторы сразу же проинформируют вас. Вы можете персонально выбрать компанию с её кредитным рейтингом. Финансы выдаются на срок, важна и общая сумма, которую может выдать заемщик. Все процентные ставки в целом низкие, из-за чего у фирмы невероятно много потребителей.

Если вы стремитесь оформить деньги без отказа, лучше всего написать на все-займы-тут.рф, ваша заявка будет быстро обработана, а средства зачислены на ваш личный счет. В компании невероятно комфортные условия получения средств. Выделим и то, что фирма сотрудничает с официальными кредитными гигантами, которые официально функционируют.

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9   26.07.2018 - 11:09 Chaturbate-nanna пишет:

Watch me be a shy girl, drooling all over myself and inserting my toy
The lighting in the bathroom is even brighter and better for showing off me peeing in my tight jeans, and you can see the yellow pee in the white tub! I held it so long that the pee really needs to come out. I try to let it out steadily and gradually, but instead it shoots out of my full bladder all in one quick go
I ride and hump my pillow until I cum!Topless!Then I strip outta my undies for you!

Sunday 9.45 AMThis morning my lucky husband got quenched by me.I think, you understand what I mean?But I am still hungry.And I am angry, when hungry.One way to avoid pain for slave is to cook tasty breakfast.And If the will be good, maybe he will also eat something.From the floor and my feet, of course.Truly yours, Strict wife Mia
In two different scenes watch me unleash my full bladder! First in a coffee shop after I've been drinking coffee all day! Then I come home and have to pee so badly. I decide to put on a show for you and let you see how far I can squirt my pee in the air like a fountain! Its quite hot
I enjoy music so much and in this I have two set of headphones on and im jamming out with my music up as loud as it will go!

I'm glad you met me today, I've got a secret to tell you. Your boyfriend knows and it's time you know too. I'm a dirty slut whore and I'm going to turn you into a slut as well. Your boyfriend has asked me to teach you all my slut ways so that way you can be a dirty whore just like me. Follow these instructions and welcome to your new slut life
What's better than lighting some candles, getting comfy, and walking?! -custom vid
Cheap slut ass fingered and fucked hardI loved to finger the tight ass of this cheap slut, and then I put her suck my cock and I fucked her hard doggy style. FA7Skinny slut blows hard and is finger fucked in her assSkinny slut with a wig has a fantasy to be fucked rough by her old partner. She prepared a BDSM mask for him, and she wants him to wear the mask while she suck his cock. He bends her over and pushes his cock deep in her throat and sticks his finger deep in her ass and finger fucks her ass. FA8Fishnets submissive slut rides cock and is fucked deep in her throatA skinny slim girl has dressed in a sexy pair of fishnets and is fucked hard by a mature fat dude. She is very submissive and loves to ride his cock, then he grabs his head and pushes his big dick deep in her throat and she gags with his huge dick and looses saliva on his dick. FA9====================================================================================This is a full HD (1920x1080p - 30 fps) mix of the scenes : FA7, FA8, FA9
aynmarie chaturbate

My first B/G video. Watch me get fondled as my male friend spanks and plays with my pussy and ass from behind
The second installment of our fuckfests. This beautiful video contains me fucking myself silly out, strip teasing, sucking cock like a pro (as always), getting spanked with various toys, and James denying me his cock, tongue and fingers. Enjoy! xxx
Just got back from a long sweaty workout. I feel my socks ans shoes drenched. I need you to come sniff them and smell them. Hold them close to your nose and mouth inhale deep. I want you smell and taste my stinky sweat
cam_d19 chaturbate

Using my hands, lips, tits, and tongue, I obsess and worship this beautiful cock. Watch me POV as I lick, suck, and titty fuck him into submission, him to pump his warm and creamy cum in my mouth.
Wearing her dirtiest pair of knickers, naughty 18 year old Lara is such a slut she let's her pussy and panties get spunked all over
I've had enough of coming second to your family, it's time you gave me what I deserve. I want it all. Your money, your cock and your life. This is your last chance to give me what I want. You know you can't live without these soft dick-sucking lips and deep, hungry throat.
barbie_saharaxx chaturbate

Watch me lay on my bedroom floor and play with my pussy wearing knee high socks and heel boots.
Over 11 minutes long. HD. I start out by sensually stripping and touching my body..kissing my boobs and sucking my own nipples. I tell you how bad I need your cock inside of me. I start to touch my pussy as I grind into my hand looking into your eyes. I can't take anymore teasing..I need you inside of me. I slide onto your cock as my creamy pussy rides up and down your thick cock. I explode onto your cock with a visible orgasm. I need you to fill me up...
I am a slutty little school girl who wants to play. Watch me please myself with my cute little teddy and hitachi by my side.

Padma plays with and tortures her breasts, heightening her sensation! She then finger-masturbates until orgasm! A very sensual and high quality video! A must-see
Custom Order Video:You are laying in bed in the specified positions wearing the silver outfit and close to camera with your entire body visible. You are also wearing a ring in your right hand. You feel the urge to fart in these positions. You move your right hand backwards to pull one of your ass cheeks upwards to rip a big fart. You have very dominating facial expressions while you are farting. You rip fart after fart in this fashion many times with very dominating facial expressions.
My favorite classic tale, read to you in a smooth, sing-song voice

HD Bella has been keeping all her squatting fun to her snap chat until now... This is the first of her squirting videos and quite the one to start! Watch her soaker bench and her cute feet. she has her butt plugged, hitting her g spot and her clit to spurt PURE DELICIOUS FEMALE CUM
Just having a bit of a play whilst watching some porn...
In this 2in1 Memorial Day SPECIAL I'm interviewing for a new roommate...because my current one likes to mess around with my man behind my back, the least she could do is invite me to join.THEN see a NEW exclusive BEHIND THE SCENES which includes, pictures, video content not seen in the main video and sneak peeks from NEW UP-CUMMING Videos and past videos you may not have seen

Yes I did. I show off my really tight skirt with my suspender bumps, stockings and red bikini panty lines. I think tight skirts that show off my underwear are sexy. And string bikinis look really good under skirts. I hike up my skirt and strip for you as I show off my hot lingerie...then I pee...I mean really pee until my pantys are soaking wet. I show you my wet panties and play in my pee and squirt cum all over my face as I gag on my squirting dildo...Did you ever imagine your school teacher wetting herself. She might have.
LilLoli wets herself on accident. It turns her on so much she starts grinding her stuffed tiger!
You come in 6 months after you got married because you're experiencing dissatisfaction in your marriage and you'd like my help. I happily oblige...

You want my pussy, you need my pussy you cant jerk off without my pussy... but you can't have it. Not not not ever. You can almost see yourself in the reflection of my shiny cameltoe and that's the closest you'll ever get to it. My red manicured fingers slide around my pussy lips just like you wish your pencil dick would. You'll never know how soft,warm and delicious my princess pussy is but you'll ALWAYS jerk off to it. You'll always pay it, you'll always worship it, and you'll never have it. You're in a trance jerking it to my silver metallic cameltoe. The outline of my lips and mound will put you in a jerk frenzy
Your uptight boss calls you into her office to complain about your job performance and the way you treat your female coworkers. It seems like she may be about to let you go, but then you pull out a remote that switches her out of bitchy boss mode and turns her into a giggling bimbo. She starts to undress and flirt with you, but with another click of the remote your boss is back, completely confused. As you switch her back and forth from boss mode to bimbo mode, she becomes increasingly ditzy and sexual while in bimbo mode and increasingly confused and angry in boss mode as she realizes that she is completely under her control. While you've got her in bimbo mode she begs to suck your dick, and you are happy to oblige, fucking her face until she's gagging and drooling all over herself. She begs for your cum, and you shoot a fat load all over her tits and face. You press the remote one last time, enjoying your bitchy boss' humiliation when she sees what she's done.
Hello everyone! :)I'm so happy because i was able to shoot my set on time this week, yay! haha.I recently received this beautiful galaxy dress, it didn't have a note so i don't know who to thank... but if you're reading this, i just want to say thank you very much, i love the dress!
aurafaery69 chaturbate

Shot in HD with Canon EOS 80D - OMG it worked. The body swap worked!!! I woke up no longer a guy but instead I am in Brookes sexy body!! Who knows how long the swap will last so I am going to make the most of out being in Brookes body. I start off playing with these sexy tits and exploring this tight wet pussy. OMG I can orgasm and still be horny and keep going for MORE orgasms! Being in a womans body is awesome!!! I want to shove something bigger than my fingers inside this pussy though to see how it feels but don't have a dildo handy so I grab the closest thing possible. A xbox 360 video game controller and fuck this wet pussy for a few more orgasms
This is my very first time EVER stuffing my pussy with a pair of panties! It was surprisingly difficult, it took awhile to get the entire pair in but it happened ;-), I then pull out my vibrators, open up a window of porn and go at it until I cum. I push and pull the panties surprised to have them wet from my cum already
Waking up this morning I decided to play with one of my panties that are already for sale! I fuck my panties while also using my pink vibrator and my fairy wand and get off a little more than I can remember.

Wearing my Satin one piece and pleasing myself for you with my inflatable dildo and hitachi magic wand. 5 minutes
I strip down and get very clean in a sexy shower
I heard that you have a small penis. I must admit, I'm curious. I want to see it. Drop your pants and show it to me. Oh. Wow. That's not quite what I expected... It's smaller than I imagined. I thought this would be funny but really, it's just disappointing. I expect that's how your partners feel. How sad.

My current office is being renovated and I am looking for a assistant, you come up to apply for the position, starting at my short skirt and cleavage, it's almost hard to focus on filling out the application. Everything seems normal, until I have caught you looking at me and decide to change the position's duties a bit. I admit to you I am looking for more than just a assistant, I want someone that can live in my current office with me, someone who will fuck me when I want it, let me suck his cock, and feel him deep inside of me. From looking at you you fit the description, I tease you with my sexy red bra, and undress asking for that cock in my mouth. At this point I am so wilded up and horny, I can't wait to do more, I tell you I want you to fuck me right here on this desk, let me feel your cock bang me. We won't stop there though its time for me to get on top and take control, until you feel my juices down your dick (POV), and I finally make you blow a huge LOAD all over my face, do you think you got the job
Girls watch porn too! Especially this little one.. Perv on me while I teasing my pussy and untill I cum all over my metallic toy
All oiled up, making you hot fucking my tits and finishing off with oily hand job
alone_at_home_xxx chaturbate

Watch me twerk my booty all around, oil it up, and play with my ass. I finger my booty thoroughly before playing with my jewel plug, push it into my little ass, and continue twerking with the added pleasure of my plug. You even get to see my ass shake in slow motion at 60 frames per second. This video is all about the booty! HD quality
I start off by sitting on a vibrator as I pack a bowl & light up. I then lean back & use it on my clit as I continue to smoke. Once I've finished the bowl, I put my pipe down & continue to pleasure myself with the vibrator until I have a massive orgasm!
See this tiny white crop just cling to these massive tits

10   26.07.2018 - 11:10 Chaturbate-nanna пишет:

Watch me be a shy girl, drooling all over myself and inserting my toy
The lighting in the bathroom is even brighter and better for showing off me peeing in my tight jeans, and you can see the yellow pee in the white tub! I held it so long that the pee really needs to come out. I try to let it out steadily and gradually, but instead it shoots out of my full bladder all in one quick go
I ride and hump my pillow until I cum!Topless!Then I strip outta my undies for you!

Sunday 9.45 AMThis morning my lucky husband got quenched by me.I think, you understand what I mean?But I am still hungry.And I am angry, when hungry.One way to avoid pain for slave is to cook tasty breakfast.And If the will be good, maybe he will also eat something.From the floor and my feet, of course.Truly yours, Strict wife Mia
In two different scenes watch me unleash my full bladder! First in a coffee shop after I've been drinking coffee all day! Then I come home and have to pee so badly. I decide to put on a show for you and let you see how far I can squirt my pee in the air like a fountain! Its quite hot
I enjoy music so much and in this I have two set of headphones on and im jamming out with my music up as loud as it will go!

I'm glad you met me today, I've got a secret to tell you. Your boyfriend knows and it's time you know too. I'm a dirty slut whore and I'm going to turn you into a slut as well. Your boyfriend has asked me to teach you all my slut ways so that way you can be a dirty whore just like me. Follow these instructions and welcome to your new slut life
What's better than lighting some candles, getting comfy, and walking?! -custom vid
Cheap slut ass fingered and fucked hardI loved to finger the tight ass of this cheap slut, and then I put her suck my cock and I fucked her hard doggy style. FA7Skinny slut blows hard and is finger fucked in her assSkinny slut with a wig has a fantasy to be fucked rough by her old partner. She prepared a BDSM mask for him, and she wants him to wear the mask while she suck his cock. He bends her over and pushes his cock deep in her throat and sticks his finger deep in her ass and finger fucks her ass. FA8Fishnets submissive slut rides cock and is fucked deep in her throatA skinny slim girl has dressed in a sexy pair of fishnets and is fucked hard by a mature fat dude. She is very submissive and loves to ride his cock, then he grabs his head and pushes his big dick deep in her throat and she gags with his huge dick and looses saliva on his dick. FA9====================================================================================This is a full HD (1920x1080p - 30 fps) mix of the scenes : FA7, FA8, FA9
aynmarie chaturbate

My first B/G video. Watch me get fondled as my male friend spanks and plays with my pussy and ass from behind
The second installment of our fuckfests. This beautiful video contains me fucking myself silly out, strip teasing, sucking cock like a pro (as always), getting spanked with various toys, and James denying me his cock, tongue and fingers. Enjoy! xxx
Just got back from a long sweaty workout. I feel my socks ans shoes drenched. I need you to come sniff them and smell them. Hold them close to your nose and mouth inhale deep. I want you smell and taste my stinky sweat
cam_d19 chaturbate

Using my hands, lips, tits, and tongue, I obsess and worship this beautiful cock. Watch me POV as I lick, suck, and titty fuck him into submission, him to pump his warm and creamy cum in my mouth.
Wearing her dirtiest pair of knickers, naughty 18 year old Lara is such a slut she let's her pussy and panties get spunked all over
I've had enough of coming second to your family, it's time you gave me what I deserve. I want it all. Your money, your cock and your life. This is your last chance to give me what I want. You know you can't live without these soft dick-sucking lips and deep, hungry throat.
barbie_saharaxx chaturbate

Watch me lay on my bedroom floor and play with my pussy wearing knee high socks and heel boots.
Over 11 minutes long. HD. I start out by sensually stripping and touching my body..kissing my boobs and sucking my own nipples. I tell you how bad I need your cock inside of me. I start to touch my pussy as I grind into my hand looking into your eyes. I can't take anymore teasing..I need you inside of me. I slide onto your cock as my creamy pussy rides up and down your thick cock. I explode onto your cock with a visible orgasm. I need you to fill me up...
I am a slutty little school girl who wants to play. Watch me please myself with my cute little teddy and hitachi by my side.

Padma plays with and tortures her breasts, heightening her sensation! She then finger-masturbates until orgasm! A very sensual and high quality video! A must-see
Custom Order Video:You are laying in bed in the specified positions wearing the silver outfit and close to camera with your entire body visible. You are also wearing a ring in your right hand. You feel the urge to fart in these positions. You move your right hand backwards to pull one of your ass cheeks upwards to rip a big fart. You have very dominating facial expressions while you are farting. You rip fart after fart in this fashion many times with very dominating facial expressions.
My favorite classic tale, read to you in a smooth, sing-song voice

HD Bella has been keeping all her squatting fun to her snap chat until now... This is the first of her squirting videos and quite the one to start! Watch her soaker bench and her cute feet. she has her butt plugged, hitting her g spot and her clit to spurt PURE DELICIOUS FEMALE CUM
Just having a bit of a play whilst watching some porn...
In this 2in1 Memorial Day SPECIAL I'm interviewing for a new roommate...because my current one likes to mess around with my man behind my back, the least she could do is invite me to join.THEN see a NEW exclusive BEHIND THE SCENES which includes, pictures, video content not seen in the main video and sneak peeks from NEW UP-CUMMING Videos and past videos you may not have seen

Yes I did. I show off my really tight skirt with my suspender bumps, stockings and red bikini panty lines. I think tight skirts that show off my underwear are sexy. And string bikinis look really good under skirts. I hike up my skirt and strip for you as I show off my hot lingerie...then I pee...I mean really pee until my pantys are soaking wet. I show you my wet panties and play in my pee and squirt cum all over my face as I gag on my squirting dildo...Did you ever imagine your school teacher wetting herself. She might have.
LilLoli wets herself on accident. It turns her on so much she starts grinding her stuffed tiger!
You come in 6 months after you got married because you're experiencing dissatisfaction in your marriage and you'd like my help. I happily oblige...

You want my pussy, you need my pussy you cant jerk off without my pussy... but you can't have it. Not not not ever. You can almost see yourself in the reflection of my shiny cameltoe and that's the closest you'll ever get to it. My red manicured fingers slide around my pussy lips just like you wish your pencil dick would. You'll never know how soft,warm and delicious my princess pussy is but you'll ALWAYS jerk off to it. You'll always pay it, you'll always worship it, and you'll never have it. You're in a trance jerking it to my silver metallic cameltoe. The outline of my lips and mound will put you in a jerk frenzy
Your uptight boss calls you into her office to complain about your job performance and the way you treat your female coworkers. It seems like she may be about to let you go, but then you pull out a remote that switches her out of bitchy boss mode and turns her into a giggling bimbo. She starts to undress and flirt with you, but with another click of the remote your boss is back, completely confused. As you switch her back and forth from boss mode to bimbo mode, she becomes increasingly ditzy and sexual while in bimbo mode and increasingly confused and angry in boss mode as she realizes that she is completely under her control. While you've got her in bimbo mode she begs to suck your dick, and you are happy to oblige, fucking her face until she's gagging and drooling all over herself. She begs for your cum, and you shoot a fat load all over her tits and face. You press the remote one last time, enjoying your bitchy boss' humiliation when she sees what she's done.
Hello everyone! :)I'm so happy because i was able to shoot my set on time this week, yay! haha.I recently received this beautiful galaxy dress, it didn't have a note so i don't know who to thank... but if you're reading this, i just want to say thank you very much, i love the dress!
aurafaery69 chaturbate

Shot in HD with Canon EOS 80D - OMG it worked. The body swap worked!!! I woke up no longer a guy but instead I am in Brookes sexy body!! Who knows how long the swap will last so I am going to make the most of out being in Brookes body. I start off playing with these sexy tits and exploring this tight wet pussy. OMG I can orgasm and still be horny and keep going for MORE orgasms! Being in a womans body is awesome!!! I want to shove something bigger than my fingers inside this pussy though to see how it feels but don't have a dildo handy so I grab the closest thing possible. A xbox 360 video game controller and fuck this wet pussy for a few more orgasms
This is my very first time EVER stuffing my pussy with a pair of panties! It was surprisingly difficult, it took awhile to get the entire pair in but it happened ;-), I then pull out my vibrators, open up a window of porn and go at it until I cum. I push and pull the panties surprised to have them wet from my cum already
Waking up this morning I decided to play with one of my panties that are already for sale! I fuck my panties while also using my pink vibrator and my fairy wand and get off a little more than I can remember.

Wearing my Satin one piece and pleasing myself for you with my inflatable dildo and hitachi magic wand. 5 minutes
I strip down and get very clean in a sexy shower
I heard that you have a small penis. I must admit, I'm curious. I want to see it. Drop your pants and show it to me. Oh. Wow. That's not quite what I expected... It's smaller than I imagined. I thought this would be funny but really, it's just disappointing. I expect that's how your partners feel. How sad.

My current office is being renovated and I am looking for a assistant, you come up to apply for the position, starting at my short skirt and cleavage, it's almost hard to focus on filling out the application. Everything seems normal, until I have caught you looking at me and decide to change the position's duties a bit. I admit to you I am looking for more than just a assistant, I want someone that can live in my current office with me, someone who will fuck me when I want it, let me suck his cock, and feel him deep inside of me. From looking at you you fit the description, I tease you with my sexy red bra, and undress asking for that cock in my mouth. At this point I am so wilded up and horny, I can't wait to do more, I tell you I want you to fuck me right here on this desk, let me feel your cock bang me. We won't stop there though its time for me to get on top and take control, until you feel my juices down your dick (POV), and I finally make you blow a huge LOAD all over my face, do you think you got the job
Girls watch porn too! Especially this little one.. Perv on me while I teasing my pussy and untill I cum all over my metallic toy
All oiled up, making you hot fucking my tits and finishing off with oily hand job
alone_at_home_xxx chaturbate

Watch me twerk my booty all around, oil it up, and play with my ass. I finger my booty thoroughly before playing with my jewel plug, push it into my little ass, and continue twerking with the added pleasure of my plug. You even get to see my ass shake in slow motion at 60 frames per second. This video is all about the booty! HD quality
I start off by sitting on a vibrator as I pack a bowl & light up. I then lean back & use it on my clit as I continue to smoke. Once I've finished the bowl, I put my pipe down & continue to pleasure myself with the vibrator until I have a massive orgasm!
See this tiny white crop just cling to these massive tits