Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

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Средняя оценка: 3.7 (93 голосов)

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3   27.05.2018 - 18:20 RichardWerce пишет:

can i get pregnant 3 days after my period

can i get pregnant 5 days after my period
can i get pregnant 4 days after my period
You are most fertile at the time of ovulation, (when an egg is released from your ovaries) which usually occurs 12-14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant. It is unlikely that you will get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen.

You are most fertile at the time of ovulation, (when an egg is released from your ovaries) which usually occurs 12-14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant. It is unlikely that you will get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen.
Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished? - Health ...

Can I get pregnant right after my period ends?
Yes! Having unprotected sex at any time is risky and can result in pregnancy. Sometimes ovulation — the time when a girl is most likely to become pregnant — can happen within a few days of when your period ends. Also, sperm can fertilize an egg for 72 hours (3 days) after ejaculation.
Can a Girl Get Pregnant Right After Her Period Ends? - KidsHealth

Can I get pregnant right after my period ends?
Can you get pregnant two days after your period?
So it may just be possible for you to get pregnant if you ovulate a little earlier than usual. However, it is more likely that sperm will have a life span of two to three days, even less if there is no fertile cervical fluid. Most pregnancies happen after sex within the five days before, and on the day of, ovulation.
Can I get pregnant just after my period? - BabyCentre UK

Can you get pregnant two days after your period?
How many days after your period are you the most fertile?
One of your ovaries will release an egg (ovulation) about 14 days before your period starts. The first day of your period, when you start bleeding, is counted as the first day of your cycle. If you have a 28-day cycle, you'll usually ovulate some time between day 10 and day 15 of your cycle.
Can I get pregnant just after my period? - BabyCentre UK

How many days after your period are you the most fertile?
How many days a woman is fertile after menstruation?
In general, a woman's fertile window is the day of ovulation (usually 12 to 16 days before the menstrual period begins) and the five days preceding it. For the average woman that occurs somewhere between days 10 and 17.
Your Menstrual Cycle, Your Fertility | Parenting

How many days a woman is fertile after menstruation?
How soon can I get pregnant after my period?
You are most fertile at the time of ovulation, (when an egg is released from your ovaries) which usually occurs 12-14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant. It is unlikely that you will get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen.
Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished? - Health ...

How soon can I get pregnant after my period?
Can you get pregnant 4 days after the end of your period?
Q: Can you get pregnant four days after you have your period? ... It is impossible to become pregnant on Day #4 of your cycle because there's not enough time to mature an egg in 4 days. However, if you are not having a "regular" cycle each month then your ovulation (fertile time) may not be "normal."
How soon after your period can you get pregnant? | Parents

Can you get pregnant 4 days after the end of your period?
How many days before and after period is safe?
You are most fertile at the time of ovulation, (when an egg is released from your ovaries) which usually occurs 12-14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant. It is unlikely that you will get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen.
Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished? - Health ...

How many days before and after period is safe?
Can you get pregnant three days after your period?
If so, then absolutely yes. I have a 3 year old from that very thing. And yes, in rare circumstances, women have been known to ovulate during their periods, so if you are asking if you could be pregnant from sex 3 days into your period--yes to that also, but much more unlikely.May 26, 2011
if i had sex three days after my period could i be pregnant | Mom ...

Can you get pregnant three days after your period?
Can you get pregnant 5 days after your period?
Yes, you can get pregnant right after your period. You are actually starting to move into your fertility window. On a typical cycle that occurs every 28 to 30 days, the fertility window is usually between Day 11 and Day 21. As noted above sperm can live 2, 3 and up to 5 days.Sep 2, 2016
Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?
Can you get pregnant 5 days after your period?
How can you tell if you are ovulating?
If your menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and your period arrives like clockwork, it's likely that you'll ovulate on day 14. That's halfway through your cycle. Your fertile window begins on day 10. You're more likely to get pregnant if you have sex at least every other day between days 10 and 14 of a 28-day cycle.Feb 2, 2018
Am I Ovulating? Know the Signs It's Time to Get Pregnant - WebMD

How can you tell if you are ovulating?
How many days before and after menstruation is safe?
Your “unsafe” days are from five days before ovulation to three days after. The other times–during your period, about a week after and a week before–are generally “safe” to have unprotected sex.Sep 27, 2017
How Close to My Period Is it Safe to Have Sex? - ModernMom

How many days before and after menstruation is safe?
What is the most fertile age for a woman?
Getting Pregnant during a Woman's 20s. The optimum age for fertility for women begins at the age of 18 but according to Parenting.com, a woman is at her most fertile during her early 20s and there is the lowest risk of miscarriage (9.5% between ages 20 and 24 and 10% between ages 25 and 29).
What Is The Best Age for Getting Pregnant? - BabyHopes.com

What is the most fertile age for a woman?
Can you get pregnant 18 days after the start of your period?
Become pregnant quickly: this helps when trying to conceive. ... The egg cell can be fertilized 12-18 hours after ovulation. Sperm cells can survive in a woman's body for up to six days. With this, the fertile period doesn't just begin with ovulation, but rather six days before it.
Calculating ovulation, fertile days, and infertile days BlitzResults.com

Can you get pregnant 18 days after the start of your period?
What does it look like when your ovulating?
After ovulation, cervical mucus is no longer wet or slippery. This creamy cervical mucus is considered non-fertile because it makes it more difficult for sperm to reach your egg. Creamy cervical mucus can be a pearly white or creamy yellow. It's thick and feels like lotion when rubbed between your fingers.
What cervical mucus looks like: photos - BabyCentre UK

What does it look like when your ovulating?
Can I be pregnant in a week?
1 Week Pregnant Symptoms. At 1 week pregnant—remember at this early stage, the symptoms you're experiencing are those typical to your period because you're not actually pregnant. These symptoms may last from three to seven days, and can include: Vaginal bleeding.
1 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Week-by-Week - The Bump

Can I be pregnant in a week?
Can I get pregnant on the 12th day after my period?
There are only six days during any cycle when a woman can get pregnant - the five days leading up to ovulation and the 24 hours after ovulation. This is because sperm can live for up to 5 days in a woman's body, and the ovum lives for only 12-24 hours.
When Can You Get Pregnant, What Days of Cycle Can I Get Pregnant ...

Can I get pregnant on the 12th day after my period?
Can I get pregnant on the 18th day of my cycle?
Yes , theoretically there is a chance of getting pregnant due to intercourse between 10th and 18th day of a normal 28 day cycle . The sperm can live up to 72 hrs while the ovum survives 1 day. This gives about 4 days on either side of the day of ovulation as the period when a person might be able to get pregnant.
Is there chance to get pregnant on the 18th day of the starting ...

Can I get pregnant on the 18th day of my cycle?
How do I know my most fertile days?
Work out the length of your average menstrual cycle. Day one is the first day of the menstrual period and the last day is the day before the next period begins. Ovulation happens about two weeks before the next expected period. So if your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14.
Women's guide to getting the timing right - Your Fertility

How do I know my most fertile days?
Can a girl get pregnant a few days before her period?
Sperm only live 3 to possibly 4 days, and eggs only survive 12 to 24 hours after ovulation, so the window of opportunity for pregnancy is short. ... If this happens, you can get pregnant 4 days before you would expect to get your period, if your normal cycles are 28 days long.Sep 17, 2011
How Is it Possible to Get Pregnant 4 Days Before a Period ...

Can a girl get pregnant a few days before her period?
Can you get a girl pregnant while she's on her period?
"Since sperm live for three to five days, she could definitely get pregnant." In addition, some women experience breakthrough spotting or bleeding between periods. This can occur during ovulation and be mistaken for a period, making it difficult to establish the exact place in the menstrual cycle.
Can a Woman Become Pregnant During Her Period?

Can you get a girl pregnant while she's on her period?
Which day after period is best to get pregnant?
The best time to get pregnant. You're most likely to get pregnant if you have sex within a day or so of ovulation (releasing an egg from the ovary). This is usually about 14 days after the first day of your last period, if your cycle is around 28 days long. An egg lives for about 12-24 hours after being released.

4   27.05.2018 - 18:20 RichardWerce пишет:

can i get pregnant 3 days after my period

can i get pregnant 5 days after my period
can i get pregnant 4 days after my period
You are most fertile at the time of ovulation, (when an egg is released from your ovaries) which usually occurs 12-14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant. It is unlikely that you will get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen.

You are most fertile at the time of ovulation, (when an egg is released from your ovaries) which usually occurs 12-14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant. It is unlikely that you will get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen.
Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished? - Health ...

Can I get pregnant right after my period ends?
Yes! Having unprotected sex at any time is risky and can result in pregnancy. Sometimes ovulation — the time when a girl is most likely to become pregnant — can happen within a few days of when your period ends. Also, sperm can fertilize an egg for 72 hours (3 days) after ejaculation.
Can a Girl Get Pregnant Right After Her Period Ends? - KidsHealth

Can I get pregnant right after my period ends?
Can you get pregnant two days after your period?
So it may just be possible for you to get pregnant if you ovulate a little earlier than usual. However, it is more likely that sperm will have a life span of two to three days, even less if there is no fertile cervical fluid. Most pregnancies happen after sex within the five days before, and on the day of, ovulation.
Can I get pregnant just after my period? - BabyCentre UK

Can you get pregnant two days after your period?
How many days after your period are you the most fertile?
One of your ovaries will release an egg (ovulation) about 14 days before your period starts. The first day of your period, when you start bleeding, is counted as the first day of your cycle. If you have a 28-day cycle, you'll usually ovulate some time between day 10 and day 15 of your cycle.
Can I get pregnant just after my period? - BabyCentre UK

How many days after your period are you the most fertile?
How many days a woman is fertile after menstruation?
In general, a woman's fertile window is the day of ovulation (usually 12 to 16 days before the menstrual period begins) and the five days preceding it. For the average woman that occurs somewhere between days 10 and 17.
Your Menstrual Cycle, Your Fertility | Parenting

How many days a woman is fertile after menstruation?
How soon can I get pregnant after my period?
You are most fertile at the time of ovulation, (when an egg is released from your ovaries) which usually occurs 12-14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant. It is unlikely that you will get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen.
Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished? - Health ...

How soon can I get pregnant after my period?
Can you get pregnant 4 days after the end of your period?
Q: Can you get pregnant four days after you have your period? ... It is impossible to become pregnant on Day #4 of your cycle because there's not enough time to mature an egg in 4 days. However, if you are not having a "regular" cycle each month then your ovulation (fertile time) may not be "normal."
How soon after your period can you get pregnant? | Parents

Can you get pregnant 4 days after the end of your period?
How many days before and after period is safe?
You are most fertile at the time of ovulation, (when an egg is released from your ovaries) which usually occurs 12-14 days before your next period starts. This is the time of the month when you are most likely to get pregnant. It is unlikely that you will get pregnant just after your period, although it can happen.
Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished? - Health ...

How many days before and after period is safe?
Can you get pregnant three days after your period?
If so, then absolutely yes. I have a 3 year old from that very thing. And yes, in rare circumstances, women have been known to ovulate during their periods, so if you are asking if you could be pregnant from sex 3 days into your period--yes to that also, but much more unlikely.May 26, 2011
if i had sex three days after my period could i be pregnant | Mom ...

Can you get pregnant three days after your period?
Can you get pregnant 5 days after your period?
Yes, you can get pregnant right after your period. You are actually starting to move into your fertility window. On a typical cycle that occurs every 28 to 30 days, the fertility window is usually between Day 11 and Day 21. As noted above sperm can live 2, 3 and up to 5 days.Sep 2, 2016
Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?
Can you get pregnant 5 days after your period?
How can you tell if you are ovulating?
If your menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and your period arrives like clockwork, it's likely that you'll ovulate on day 14. That's halfway through your cycle. Your fertile window begins on day 10. You're more likely to get pregnant if you have sex at least every other day between days 10 and 14 of a 28-day cycle.Feb 2, 2018
Am I Ovulating? Know the Signs It's Time to Get Pregnant - WebMD

How can you tell if you are ovulating?
How many days before and after menstruation is safe?
Your “unsafe” days are from five days before ovulation to three days after. The other times–during your period, about a week after and a week before–are generally “safe” to have unprotected sex.Sep 27, 2017
How Close to My Period Is it Safe to Have Sex? - ModernMom

How many days before and after menstruation is safe?
What is the most fertile age for a woman?
Getting Pregnant during a Woman's 20s. The optimum age for fertility for women begins at the age of 18 but according to Parenting.com, a woman is at her most fertile during her early 20s and there is the lowest risk of miscarriage (9.5% between ages 20 and 24 and 10% between ages 25 and 29).
What Is The Best Age for Getting Pregnant? - BabyHopes.com

What is the most fertile age for a woman?
Can you get pregnant 18 days after the start of your period?
Become pregnant quickly: this helps when trying to conceive. ... The egg cell can be fertilized 12-18 hours after ovulation. Sperm cells can survive in a woman's body for up to six days. With this, the fertile period doesn't just begin with ovulation, but rather six days before it.
Calculating ovulation, fertile days, and infertile days BlitzResults.com

Can you get pregnant 18 days after the start of your period?
What does it look like when your ovulating?
After ovulation, cervical mucus is no longer wet or slippery. This creamy cervical mucus is considered non-fertile because it makes it more difficult for sperm to reach your egg. Creamy cervical mucus can be a pearly white or creamy yellow. It's thick and feels like lotion when rubbed between your fingers.
What cervical mucus looks like: photos - BabyCentre UK

What does it look like when your ovulating?
Can I be pregnant in a week?
1 Week Pregnant Symptoms. At 1 week pregnant—remember at this early stage, the symptoms you're experiencing are those typical to your period because you're not actually pregnant. These symptoms may last from three to seven days, and can include: Vaginal bleeding.
1 Weeks Pregnant - Pregnancy Week-by-Week - The Bump

Can I be pregnant in a week?
Can I get pregnant on the 12th day after my period?
There are only six days during any cycle when a woman can get pregnant - the five days leading up to ovulation and the 24 hours after ovulation. This is because sperm can live for up to 5 days in a woman's body, and the ovum lives for only 12-24 hours.
When Can You Get Pregnant, What Days of Cycle Can I Get Pregnant ...

Can I get pregnant on the 12th day after my period?
Can I get pregnant on the 18th day of my cycle?
Yes , theoretically there is a chance of getting pregnant due to intercourse between 10th and 18th day of a normal 28 day cycle . The sperm can live up to 72 hrs while the ovum survives 1 day. This gives about 4 days on either side of the day of ovulation as the period when a person might be able to get pregnant.
Is there chance to get pregnant on the 18th day of the starting ...

Can I get pregnant on the 18th day of my cycle?
How do I know my most fertile days?
Work out the length of your average menstrual cycle. Day one is the first day of the menstrual period and the last day is the day before the next period begins. Ovulation happens about two weeks before the next expected period. So if your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14.
Women's guide to getting the timing right - Your Fertility

How do I know my most fertile days?
Can a girl get pregnant a few days before her period?
Sperm only live 3 to possibly 4 days, and eggs only survive 12 to 24 hours after ovulation, so the window of opportunity for pregnancy is short. ... If this happens, you can get pregnant 4 days before you would expect to get your period, if your normal cycles are 28 days long.Sep 17, 2011
How Is it Possible to Get Pregnant 4 Days Before a Period ...

Can a girl get pregnant a few days before her period?
Can you get a girl pregnant while she's on her period?
"Since sperm live for three to five days, she could definitely get pregnant." In addition, some women experience breakthrough spotting or bleeding between periods. This can occur during ovulation and be mistaken for a period, making it difficult to establish the exact place in the menstrual cycle.
Can a Woman Become Pregnant During Her Period?

Can you get a girl pregnant while she's on her period?
Which day after period is best to get pregnant?
The best time to get pregnant. You're most likely to get pregnant if you have sex within a day or so of ovulation (releasing an egg from the ovary). This is usually about 14 days after the first day of your last period, if your cycle is around 28 days long. An egg lives for about 12-24 hours after being released.

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