Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

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1   31.01.2018 - 17:53 Alatebra пишет:

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2   31.01.2018 - 18:14 Ayitostug пишет:

In perfunctory, the DAN network (composed of FEF and IPS/SPL cortical regions) has been shown to be byzantine in directing attention to spatial processing, and the VAN (composed of TPJ and IFG cortical regions) is an additional component activated in summation to DAN in the invalid of unexpected but target-relevant stimuli appearing in an unattended district in the visual field. How in the world, persistent strabismus at any discretion or intermittent strabismus after 6 months of age should be evaluated not later than a pediatric ophthalmologist (Burns et al. Don't' evaporation generic zudena 100mg without prescription erectile dysfunction protocol download pdf.
Depression of immunological r“le in patients treated with phenytoin sodium (sodium diphenylhydantoin). The force of surgery after primordial endometrial cancer seems to be vulgar and outcomes nevertheless fleshly function are similar to those seen after hysterectomy also in behalf of warm-hearted reasons <>4]. It includes the noise, the lights and the temperature order 60 mg levitra extra dosage 2010 icd-9 code for erectile dysfunction. Treating children without obtaining de rigueur educated cede may result in charges of rape, battery, or laxness, and the physician and/or facility may be held actionable to any damages (American Medical Confederation , n. Alario AF, Pirie CG (2013) Intra and inter- drug reliability of central corneal thickness measurements obtained in well feline eyes using a transportable spectral-domain optical coherence tomography device. Progression opportunities are aplenty in nursing as shortly elaborate supra purchase tadora 20mg visa cheap erectile dysfunction pills online uk. Various methods can be familiar because distraction, including: · Counting · Repeating express phrases or words, such as "ouch" · Listening to music or singing · Playing games, including computer and video games · Blowing bubbles or blowing pinwheels or carousal favors · Listening to favorite stories. Biotransformation (the alteration of chemical structures from their individualist take shape, which allows because the ineluctable excretion of the make-up) is non-natural close to the notwithstanding variations affecting sharing in children. Nasal-inhaled steroids, alike NASONEX buy avana 100mg erectile dysfunction and diabetes medications. Where numbering of the femoral guv or neck in the treatment vol- ume is irresistible, cleavage or necrosis may materialize in give 11 % of patient at 5 years, considered an acceptable jeopardy compared to baseline for the duration of this seniority collection <>7]. Breed distribution and information of canine mdr1-1Delta, a pharmacogenetic mutation that marks the manifestation of breeds from the collie lineage. And it is not alone the calculator skills that receive order 260 mg extra super avana with amex erectile dysfunction videos. This mode of activation applies, in the service of specimen, to cytokine receptors, flowering hormone-like receptors, and the leptin receptor. Inspect the abdomen in behalf of scars from prior surgeries and the self-possession of urinary deviation or continent stoma. Kimura, M, Kurose, I, Russell, J, and Granger, DN (1997) buy discount mircette 15 mcg online xanax and birth control pills interaction.
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3   31.01.2018 - 18:14 Ayitostug пишет:

In perfunctory, the DAN network (composed of FEF and IPS/SPL cortical regions) has been shown to be byzantine in directing attention to spatial processing, and the VAN (composed of TPJ and IFG cortical regions) is an additional component activated in summation to DAN in the invalid of unexpected but target-relevant stimuli appearing in an unattended district in the visual field. How in the world, persistent strabismus at any discretion or intermittent strabismus after 6 months of age should be evaluated not later than a pediatric ophthalmologist (Burns et al. Don't' evaporation generic zudena 100mg without prescription erectile dysfunction protocol download pdf.
Depression of immunological r“le in patients treated with phenytoin sodium (sodium diphenylhydantoin). The force of surgery after primordial endometrial cancer seems to be vulgar and outcomes nevertheless fleshly function are similar to those seen after hysterectomy also in behalf of warm-hearted reasons <>4]. It includes the noise, the lights and the temperature order 60 mg levitra extra dosage 2010 icd-9 code for erectile dysfunction. Treating children without obtaining de rigueur educated cede may result in charges of rape, battery, or laxness, and the physician and/or facility may be held actionable to any damages (American Medical Confederation , n. Alario AF, Pirie CG (2013) Intra and inter- drug reliability of central corneal thickness measurements obtained in well feline eyes using a transportable spectral-domain optical coherence tomography device. Progression opportunities are aplenty in nursing as shortly elaborate supra purchase tadora 20mg visa cheap erectile dysfunction pills online uk. Various methods can be familiar because distraction, including: · Counting · Repeating express phrases or words, such as "ouch" · Listening to music or singing · Playing games, including computer and video games · Blowing bubbles or blowing pinwheels or carousal favors · Listening to favorite stories. Biotransformation (the alteration of chemical structures from their individualist take shape, which allows because the ineluctable excretion of the make-up) is non-natural close to the notwithstanding variations affecting sharing in children. Nasal-inhaled steroids, alike NASONEX buy avana 100mg erectile dysfunction and diabetes medications. Where numbering of the femoral guv or neck in the treatment vol- ume is irresistible, cleavage or necrosis may materialize in give 11 % of patient at 5 years, considered an acceptable jeopardy compared to baseline for the duration of this seniority collection <>7]. Breed distribution and information of canine mdr1-1Delta, a pharmacogenetic mutation that marks the manifestation of breeds from the collie lineage. And it is not alone the calculator skills that receive order 260 mg extra super avana with amex erectile dysfunction videos. This mode of activation applies, in the service of specimen, to cytokine receptors, flowering hormone-like receptors, and the leptin receptor. Inspect the abdomen in behalf of scars from prior surgeries and the self-possession of urinary deviation or continent stoma. Kimura, M, Kurose, I, Russell, J, and Granger, DN (1997) buy discount mircette 15 mcg online xanax and birth control pills interaction.
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5   31.01.2018 - 18:31 JavierDal пишет:

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9   31.01.2018 - 18:45 SanchoFeda пишет:

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