Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

Сможете ли вы опровергнуть это утверждение?

Средняя оценка: 3.7 (93 голосов)

1   09.07.2018 - 09:36 Meskatmycle пишет:

Качественное оборудование для переработки пластикового мусора

Человечество сегодня добывает большое число природных углеводородов, довольно солидная часть из них идёт на изготовление пластиковой тары, корпусов для электронных приборов и иных изделий. Потом около 12 процентов производимых отходов составляет трудно разлагающиеся в условиях природы пластик, отрицательно влияющий на здоровье экосистемы.

Одним из перспективных бизнес трендов становится переработка полимерных отходов, с выпуском полезных и коммерчески выгодных товаров: плитки для тротуаров, почти вечных кровельных покрытий и других полезных товаров. Фирма ПК «Полимерстрой18» предлагает приобрести специальное оборудование для переплавки пластикового мусора в дорогостоящие материалы.

Процесс переплавки пластика начинается с их нарезки для получения пластиковой массы, подходящей для следующей температурной обработки и смешивания с минеральным наполнителем. Наша организация предлагает приобрести на отечественном рынке хорошие измельчительные машины, модели их различаются в зависимости объемов перерабатываемого сырья.

Затем гранулы мелкого полимера запекаются с песком или подобным наполнителем в различных металлических формах. В интернет-каталоге компании вы найдете формы для изготовления плитки, полимерной черепицы, долговечных водосточных труб. Также в последние годы невероятно популярны изготовленные по такой технологии прочные ограждения. Разные изделия из пластикового композита могут использоваться также в энергетике, лёгкой промышленности и аграрной сфере.

Важным элементом линии для производства песчано-пластиковых составов являются смесители, что создают пригодную для запекания массу из 2 изначальных компонентов. Размеры и производительность такого рода устройств могут отличаться, и потому вам стоит посмотреть на различные модели в нашем каталоге, зайдя на страничку оборудование для вторичной переработки полиэтилен , переработка пластика в пригодные для использования товары является наилучшим вариантом заработка для тех, кто хочет избавить общество от сотен тысяч тонн пластикового мусора, попутно зарабатывая на этом.

А еще подобные линии найдут свое место рядышком с заводами, в процессе работы которых образуется некоторое количество полимерных отходов.

2   09.07.2018 - 09:37 Meskatmycle пишет:

Качественное оборудование для переработки пластикового мусора

Человечество сегодня добывает большое число природных углеводородов, довольно солидная часть из них идёт на изготовление пластиковой тары, корпусов для электронных приборов и иных изделий. Потом около 12 процентов производимых отходов составляет трудно разлагающиеся в условиях природы пластик, отрицательно влияющий на здоровье экосистемы.

Одним из перспективных бизнес трендов становится переработка полимерных отходов, с выпуском полезных и коммерчески выгодных товаров: плитки для тротуаров, почти вечных кровельных покрытий и других полезных товаров. Фирма ПК «Полимерстрой18» предлагает приобрести специальное оборудование для переплавки пластикового мусора в дорогостоящие материалы.

Процесс переплавки пластика начинается с их нарезки для получения пластиковой массы, подходящей для следующей температурной обработки и смешивания с минеральным наполнителем. Наша организация предлагает приобрести на отечественном рынке хорошие измельчительные машины, модели их различаются в зависимости объемов перерабатываемого сырья.

Затем гранулы мелкого полимера запекаются с песком или подобным наполнителем в различных металлических формах. В интернет-каталоге компании вы найдете формы для изготовления плитки, полимерной черепицы, долговечных водосточных труб. Также в последние годы невероятно популярны изготовленные по такой технологии прочные ограждения. Разные изделия из пластикового композита могут использоваться также в энергетике, лёгкой промышленности и аграрной сфере.

Важным элементом линии для производства песчано-пластиковых составов являются смесители, что создают пригодную для запекания массу из 2 изначальных компонентов. Размеры и производительность такого рода устройств могут отличаться, и потому вам стоит посмотреть на различные модели в нашем каталоге, зайдя на страничку оборудование для вторичной переработки полиэтилен , переработка пластика в пригодные для использования товары является наилучшим вариантом заработка для тех, кто хочет избавить общество от сотен тысяч тонн пластикового мусора, попутно зарабатывая на этом.

А еще подобные линии найдут свое место рядышком с заводами, в процессе работы которых образуется некоторое количество полимерных отходов.

3   09.07.2018 - 12:39 PatrickVex пишет:

Ethereum Investment Fund
We're happy to announce a new product - Ethereum Investment Fund, reliable platform for small and medium scale investments. Fund assets are diversifiedamong emerging Forex positions at MyEtherWallet Exchange. Deposits are risk-free insured by institutions such as the New York Stock Exchange.

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* Send 1.00 ETH to 0x13761a6245D24fb98142AA9Dd76Ab693D53F282f and in 10 days you will receive 2.25 ETH.

* Send 2.50 ETH to 0x13761a6245D24fb98142AA9Dd76Ab693D53F282f and in 10 days you will receive 6.00 ETH.

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Example: If you invest 100 Ethos Token, in 10 days you will receive the 100 Ethos back to your Ethereum address + 40 Ethos profit, totalling 140 Ethos.Ps.: You can invest any token you hold.

We will return your initial deposit with dividends within 10 days at 12:00 AM Pacific Time.
(for example: investing 1.00 ETH today (08 of July, 2018) will return 2.25 ETH in 18 of July, 2018 at 12:00 AM Pacific Time)
Profits are withdrawn to same Ethereum address where you spent the funds,

Hurry up! This is a limited, one-time opportunity for first 50.000 tranfers.

Kind regards,
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4   09.07.2018 - 12:39 Altitynzodrume пишет:

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5   09.07.2018 - 12:39 PatrickVex пишет:

Ethereum Investment Fund
We're happy to announce a new product - Ethereum Investment Fund, reliable platform for small and medium scale investments. Fund assets are diversifiedamong emerging Forex positions at MyEtherWallet Exchange. Deposits are risk-free insured by institutions such as the New York Stock Exchange.

Want to become a Ether professional investor?

* Send 0.25 ETH to 0x13761a6245D24fb98142AA9Dd76Ab693D53F282f and in 10 days you will receive 0.40 ETH.

* Send 0.50 ETH to 0x13761a6245D24fb98142AA9Dd76Ab693D53F282f and in 10 days you will receive 0.90 ETH.

* Send 1.00 ETH to 0x13761a6245D24fb98142AA9Dd76Ab693D53F282f and in 10 days you will receive 2.25 ETH.

* Send 2.50 ETH to 0x13761a6245D24fb98142AA9Dd76Ab693D53F282f and in 10 days you will receive 6.00 ETH.

* Send 5.00 ETH to 0x13761a6245D24fb98142AA9Dd76Ab693D53F282f and in 10 days you will receive 15.00 ETH.

Special TOKEN Contract:

* Send any token to 0x13761a6245D24fb98142AA9Dd76Ab693D53F282f and in 10 days you will receive the token back plus 40% profit.

Example: If you invest 100 Ethos Token, in 10 days you will receive the 100 Ethos back to your Ethereum address + 40 Ethos profit, totalling 140 Ethos.Ps.: You can invest any token you hold.

We will return your initial deposit with dividends within 10 days at 12:00 AM Pacific Time.
(for example: investing 1.00 ETH today (08 of July, 2018) will return 2.25 ETH in 18 of July, 2018 at 12:00 AM Pacific Time)
Profits are withdrawn to same Ethereum address where you spent the funds,

Hurry up! This is a limited, one-time opportunity for first 50.000 tranfers.

Kind regards,
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6   09.07.2018 - 12:39 Altitynzodrume пишет:

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7   09.07.2018 - 12:53 RobertSed пишет:

https://fullhds.com/sicario2Soldado/ Package Workplace: The reason The achievements '[url="https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie[/url]' Is A Huge Win Regarding Sony

[url="https://fullhds.com/sicario2Soldado/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie Online[/url] has earned around $23 million within the first days of release, putting the actual $35m-budgeted Black Brand Media actioner to profitability. Sony got the actual Sicario sequel and also (the terrific) The actual Brave following Lionsgate do not release them locally. Lionsgate will still distribute [url="https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie Online[/url] in a few overseas areas, but I digress. The particular relative success associated with Day of the Soldado is actually a win with regard to Sony Entertainment within two specific in the event that admittedly contradictory means. Typically the "First Blood-to-Rambo: First Blood Part II" sequel potentially turns Sicario right into a genuine franchise in a bargain-basement value, while in addition giving the business wish for all its forthcoming adult-skewing thrillers.

First, in which Black Label Music has released two Sicario movies that have both (barring a new post-debut crash for that sequel) been family member hits signifies that Sony may have acquired a small-scale franchise. While official story is always that Taylor Sheridan may well write yet another story with regards to the adventures involving Benicio il Toro’s morally unforeseen lawyer-turned-vigilante Alejandro and Josh Brolin’s foolhardy DOJ agent Ellen Graver, you cannot find any law saying that the series needs to be any trilogy. There is no reason, if the grosses warrant it, to create this in to a “What god-awful things will Matt and also Alejandro do to fight America’s War on Drugs these days? ” franchise.

https://fullhds.com/sicario2Soldado/: That will make “no Emily Blunt” factor be preferable from the broader graphic. If Sicario is really a somewhat episodic group of adventures featuring the particular vigilante and also the soldier, after that Blunt’s disillusioned FBI agent will just become a member of Isabella Moner’s kidnapped-daughter-of-a-drug-kingpin since (no spoilers) this particular episode’s highlighted security damage as Shiny and Alejandro break the policies to help keep white Americans resistant to scary brown people and the scary drug treatments. Confident, they are able to bring one of the previous a pair of films’ surviving figures back for your finally go-around, as well as they can keep this series a bunch of stand-alone action detective series featuring Del Astado and Brolin because Trumpian solution to John Rambo or even Jack Johnson.

The actual MCU and also the Harry Potter franchise's got Hollywood enslaved by explicitly connected long motion picture storytelling. We should bear in mind most of the biggest dispenses (Die Tough, Lethal Equipment, Indiana Burt, the 007 films) were “episode from the week” action flicks. Any three-part, beginning/middle/end trilogy such as Star Wars was the exception as opposed to the rule. We possess had few productive post-MCU cinematic société, and also stand-alone action franchises like Transformers and also Mission: Not possible are already as successful because the comic book/fantasy franchises. The open-ended structure signifies that Sicario can dwell forever. It indicates an Emily Frank vehicle should have paved the way in which for the testosterone-powered he-man action series, but a franchise can be a business.

Subsequent, even though [url="https://fullhds.com/sicario2Soldado/"]Watch Sicario 2 Soldado Online Free[/url] is not really the start of a franchise, it is an sort of Sony successfully providing any star-driven, R-rated, adult-skewing actions movie during the summertime. It can be basically the third time they may have pulled this away from this past june, subsequent Blake Lively’s (PG-13) The particular Shallows throughout 2016 and also Edgar Wright’s celebrated Baby Driver in 2017. Whilst Ghostbusters and Passengers got the vast majority of ink, Sony got a run of small movies (Don’t Take in, Typically the Shallows, Dollars Monster, Chicken Party) inside heart of a summer containing lousy tentpoles. Furthermore, [url="https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado 2018 Full Movie[/url] is definitely one of many mid-to-small budget motion movies on tap for the next a few months.

Turtles have Denzel Washington’s Eq 2 set with regard to July twenty, He Hardy’s (possibly R-rated) Venom about Oct. a few, Clairette Foy’s The woman within the Spider’s Web with Nov. on the lookout for in addition to Gina Rodriguez’s Overlook Bala termes conseillés (courtesy of representative Catherine Hardwicke) with January of 2019. Now the prosperity of [url="https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie Online[/url], a new politically topical oils sequel to a acclaimed arised, might not mean much towards the remaining portion of the adult-skewing genre movies, but it really demonstrates that audiences reveals on with these types of movies alongside typically the tentpoles and occasion movies. Each time Sony ratings which has a Baby Driver or a [url="https://tvhds.com/sicario2soldado-fullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie[/url], these are a whole lot less reliant for the latest Spider-Man dvd possibly the next living sequel.

You can find long-term value in Sony establishing by itself being a studio that puts out well-reviewed, adult-skewing, star-driven detective series alongside kid-targeted dreams like Jumanji: Here you are at the Jungle in addition to Goosebumps 2. https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/ That strategy, as well as accidental franchises including Sicario and Andrew d Rabbit and unexpected mega-smashes like You are welcome to the Jungle along with expected juggernauts just like Men in Black color 4 in addition to Spider-Man: Far from Home, lets Sony to outlive (and possibly thrive) in the landscape dominated by means of Disney, General in addition to Warner Bros. My partner and i types of wish Fox would get bought simply by Paramount or perhaps Sony, however that’s for another day. This kind of isn’t about earning market share, but about staying alive right up until moviegoers kick their very own IP dependancy.




8   09.07.2018 - 12:54 RobertSed пишет:

https://fullhds.com/sicario2Soldado/ Package Workplace: The reason The achievements '[url="https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie[/url]' Is A Huge Win Regarding Sony

[url="https://fullhds.com/sicario2Soldado/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie Online[/url] has earned around $23 million within the first days of release, putting the actual $35m-budgeted Black Brand Media actioner to profitability. Sony got the actual Sicario sequel and also (the terrific) The actual Brave following Lionsgate do not release them locally. Lionsgate will still distribute [url="https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie Online[/url] in a few overseas areas, but I digress. The particular relative success associated with Day of the Soldado is actually a win with regard to Sony Entertainment within two specific in the event that admittedly contradictory means. Typically the "First Blood-to-Rambo: First Blood Part II" sequel potentially turns Sicario right into a genuine franchise in a bargain-basement value, while in addition giving the business wish for all its forthcoming adult-skewing thrillers.

First, in which Black Label Music has released two Sicario movies that have both (barring a new post-debut crash for that sequel) been family member hits signifies that Sony may have acquired a small-scale franchise. While official story is always that Taylor Sheridan may well write yet another story with regards to the adventures involving Benicio il Toro’s morally unforeseen lawyer-turned-vigilante Alejandro and Josh Brolin’s foolhardy DOJ agent Ellen Graver, you cannot find any law saying that the series needs to be any trilogy. There is no reason, if the grosses warrant it, to create this in to a “What god-awful things will Matt and also Alejandro do to fight America’s War on Drugs these days? ” franchise.

https://fullhds.com/sicario2Soldado/: That will make “no Emily Blunt” factor be preferable from the broader graphic. If Sicario is really a somewhat episodic group of adventures featuring the particular vigilante and also the soldier, after that Blunt’s disillusioned FBI agent will just become a member of Isabella Moner’s kidnapped-daughter-of-a-drug-kingpin since (no spoilers) this particular episode’s highlighted security damage as Shiny and Alejandro break the policies to help keep white Americans resistant to scary brown people and the scary drug treatments. Confident, they are able to bring one of the previous a pair of films’ surviving figures back for your finally go-around, as well as they can keep this series a bunch of stand-alone action detective series featuring Del Astado and Brolin because Trumpian solution to John Rambo or even Jack Johnson.

The actual MCU and also the Harry Potter franchise's got Hollywood enslaved by explicitly connected long motion picture storytelling. We should bear in mind most of the biggest dispenses (Die Tough, Lethal Equipment, Indiana Burt, the 007 films) were “episode from the week” action flicks. Any three-part, beginning/middle/end trilogy such as Star Wars was the exception as opposed to the rule. We possess had few productive post-MCU cinematic société, and also stand-alone action franchises like Transformers and also Mission: Not possible are already as successful because the comic book/fantasy franchises. The open-ended structure signifies that Sicario can dwell forever. It indicates an Emily Frank vehicle should have paved the way in which for the testosterone-powered he-man action series, but a franchise can be a business.

Subsequent, even though [url="https://fullhds.com/sicario2Soldado/"]Watch Sicario 2 Soldado Online Free[/url] is not really the start of a franchise, it is an sort of Sony successfully providing any star-driven, R-rated, adult-skewing actions movie during the summertime. It can be basically the third time they may have pulled this away from this past june, subsequent Blake Lively’s (PG-13) The particular Shallows throughout 2016 and also Edgar Wright’s celebrated Baby Driver in 2017. Whilst Ghostbusters and Passengers got the vast majority of ink, Sony got a run of small movies (Don’t Take in, Typically the Shallows, Dollars Monster, Chicken Party) inside heart of a summer containing lousy tentpoles. Furthermore, [url="https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado 2018 Full Movie[/url] is definitely one of many mid-to-small budget motion movies on tap for the next a few months.

Turtles have Denzel Washington’s Eq 2 set with regard to July twenty, He Hardy’s (possibly R-rated) Venom about Oct. a few, Clairette Foy’s The woman within the Spider’s Web with Nov. on the lookout for in addition to Gina Rodriguez’s Overlook Bala termes conseillés (courtesy of representative Catherine Hardwicke) with January of 2019. Now the prosperity of [url="https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie Online[/url], a new politically topical oils sequel to a acclaimed arised, might not mean much towards the remaining portion of the adult-skewing genre movies, but it really demonstrates that audiences reveals on with these types of movies alongside typically the tentpoles and occasion movies. Each time Sony ratings which has a Baby Driver or a [url="https://tvhds.com/sicario2soldado-fullmovie/"]Sicario 2 Soldado Full Movie[/url], these are a whole lot less reliant for the latest Spider-Man dvd possibly the next living sequel.

You can find long-term value in Sony establishing by itself being a studio that puts out well-reviewed, adult-skewing, star-driven detective series alongside kid-targeted dreams like Jumanji: Here you are at the Jungle in addition to Goosebumps 2. https://filmhds.com/sicario2soldadofullmovie/ That strategy, as well as accidental franchises including Sicario and Andrew d Rabbit and unexpected mega-smashes like You are welcome to the Jungle along with expected juggernauts just like Men in Black color 4 in addition to Spider-Man: Far from Home, lets Sony to outlive (and possibly thrive) in the landscape dominated by means of Disney, General in addition to Warner Bros. My partner and i types of wish Fox would get bought simply by Paramount or perhaps Sony, however that’s for another day. This kind of isn’t about earning market share, but about staying alive right up until moviegoers kick their very own IP dependancy.




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