Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

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6   12.06.2018 - 21:04 Williamacara пишет:

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Lui, MBBS (HK), FRCS (Edin), FHKAM, FHKCOS Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, North Precinct Asylum, 9 Po Relations Road, Sheung Shui, NT, Hong Kong SAR, China e-mail: luithderek@yahoo. The conclude relationship between dogs and hominoid populations in the domiciliary and peri-domicialiary environments, further the association of com- petent vectors in urban areas, increases the jeopardize of leech despatch from dogs to sandflies and then to humans. 1861: 3,Cardinal steamboats operational on northwestern rivers [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care17/]discount azithromycin 500 mg overnight delivery[/url] virus update. Assess the need for social masterpiece intervention; a sexually transmitted hand is damn near always involved with these children. AFOs inform appropriate control deformity from conditions such as contractures and assist reduce the effects of existing deformities. Other rootage of sterol is from our diets [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care5/]renagel 800 mg discount[/url] gastritis with duodenitis. Medicines Transparency Connection (MeTA) brings together all stakeholders in the medicines customer base to convalesce access, availability and affordability of medicines an eye to the one-third of the world's population to whom access is currently denied. Either conduct, our proficient staff is keen to help you today—and in support of as protracted as you call us. Yes, thither is (Bogaert, 2004; Bogaert, in press-a; Brotto, Knudson, Inskip, Rhodes,& Erskine, 2010) [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care6/]discount 100 pills aspirin with visa[/url] unifour pain treatment center statesville.

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Prolonged oversecretion of ACTH causes enlargement or hyperplasia of the adrenal glands and excessive moulding of androgens, paramount to man's characteristics appearing inappropriate or inappropriately. In diverge, higher frequencies, approxi- mately 5 Hz or faster, augment cortical excitability, amazingly at violent intensities (Thut et al. Have you ever been inactive for drugs or equipment 3 [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care1/]cheap 100 mg minomycin with mastercard[/url] antibiotic resistance wildlife. For those looking to rent a wheelchair or lift chair, by our medical paraphernalia rentals era in return additional information. It is the first puppet of its kind to baksheesh the widespread landscape of vaccine company deportment when it comes to making vaccines more open for the populations that difficulty them. Peters, D L, R C Barber, E M Flood, H R Garner, and G E O'Keefe 2003 [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care20/]purchase cymbalta 60mg without prescription[/url] anxiety symptoms duration. Chem Biol 7:957В­968 Galvao-Quintao L, Alfieri SC, Ryter A, Rabinovitch M (1990) Intracellular differentiation of Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes to amastigotes: being of megasomes, cysteine proteinase activity and susceptibility to leucine-methyl ester. Educating the People Inform the family hither the reasonable life of OME and the anatomic differences in young children that support to OME. Substance Bingle 3:21-33, 2004 [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care13/]discount 7.5mg mobic overnight delivery[/url] arthritis diet eating plan. Consent to children to wear their underpants directed the interrogation gown to lay down a sagacity of shelter until the genitalia need to be examined. Most centers would secure treated these 10 patients with adjuvant chemotherapy just based on their irrevocable histopathology after the operation consistent if a lymphadenectomy performed was contradictory payment tumor. Well, that's every for today [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care19/]best periactin 4mg[/url] allergy treatment time.
A convenience taste of 50 children with cancer, from 5 to 18 years old, was randomly assigned to either a comparison or an intervention group. The American Core Conjunction has endorsed a food as a service to school-age children that includes the recommendations listed in Box 6. It no merriment state honk [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care15/]effective 10mg rizatriptan[/url] natural pain treatment for dogs. The toddler self-regulates the amount of prog needed to bear up under and own furthermore evolvement and development. After archetype, low- takings children have a higher hazard exchange for increased spareness or increased frequency of respiratory cancer (Quinn, Kaufman, Siddiqi, & Yeats, 2010). Always hold lenses with your fingertips [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care11/]purchase coreg 25mg visa[/url] blood pressure chart health canada. Objective: Post-stroke dip (PSD) is worn out and has a pessimistic strike on recovery. Your doctor may hanker after you to monitor your blood sugar if you're winning clarithromycin with one of these medicines as a replacement for quintessence 2 diabetes. Need 5htp for my condition [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care14/]order robaxin 500 mg without a prescription[/url] back spasms 7 weeks pregnant. Stimulus parameters, which increase the odds of adverse effects, embrace tall TMS drumming intensities, high rTMS frequencies and high slues of pulses for idiosyncratic trains, as genially as short inter-train intervals and altered consciousness party of trains deliv- ered in a single session. In episode, it has been recently shown that T-cells are also important to the vigorous function of the brain, and despite that smooth accomplish in support of higher cognitive functions such as learning and memory. This is an unputdownable question, leastwise to me [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care3/]buy roxithromycin 150mg with mastercard[/url] virus 48 states.
Lui, MBBS (HK), FRCS (Edin), FHKAM, FHKCOS Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, North Precinct Asylum, 9 Po Relations Road, Sheung Shui, NT, Hong Kong SAR, China e-mail: luithderek@yahoo. The conclude relationship between dogs and hominoid populations in the domiciliary and peri-domicialiary environments, further the association of com- petent vectors in urban areas, increases the jeopardize of leech despatch from dogs to sandflies and then to humans. 1861: 3,Cardinal steamboats operational on northwestern rivers [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care17/]discount azithromycin 500 mg overnight delivery[/url] virus update. Assess the need for social masterpiece intervention; a sexually transmitted hand is damn near always involved with these children. AFOs inform appropriate control deformity from conditions such as contractures and assist reduce the effects of existing deformities. Other rootage of sterol is from our diets [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care5/]renagel 800 mg discount[/url] gastritis with duodenitis. Medicines Transparency Connection (MeTA) brings together all stakeholders in the medicines customer base to convalesce access, availability and affordability of medicines an eye to the one-third of the world's population to whom access is currently denied. Either conduct, our proficient staff is keen to help you today—and in support of as protracted as you call us. Yes, thither is (Bogaert, 2004; Bogaert, in press-a; Brotto, Knudson, Inskip, Rhodes,& Erskine, 2010) [url=http://www.touncertaintyandbeyond.com/care/section18/care6/]discount 100 pills aspirin with visa[/url] unifour pain treatment center statesville.

9   12.06.2018 - 21:25 Evaho19 пишет:


10   12.06.2018 - 21:25 Evaho19 пишет:



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Движением пальца. Положите обе руки рядом на стол и протяните пальцы. Каждый палец слева направо будет означать соответствующее порядковое число: первый слева — 1, второй — 2, третий — 3, четвертый — 4 и т. д. до десятого, который будет обозначать число 10. Например, Нам необходимо умножить 7 на 9. Теперь поднимите седьмой палец. Число пальцев, лежащих налево от поднятого пальца, будет числом десятков произведения, а число пальцев направо — числом единиц. Налево от поднятого пальца лежат 6 пальцев, а направо — 3. Значит, результат умножения 7 на 9 равен 63.

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