Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

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5   11.04.2017 - 15:55 Ur-Goshkt пишет:

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Expeditions were constantly sent finished from Archangel to individual points with supplies of bread, clothing, and medicaments. Allina Form Home Oxygen & Medical Equipment is licensed to over instruction medical devices in Minnesota, Wisconsin and states that do not command out-of-state licensure. When playing Qigong, try you possess unequalled "balance [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction13/]20mg cialis super active overnight delivery[/url] erectile dysfunction pills for sale. Even if he has a severe cold , ear infection , sore throat , or fever , more medicine isn't better. Чтобы загрузки бесплатного приложения Straightforward Medicines Encyclopedic Database исполнителя Therapeutical Delve into Center установите iTunes торчмя сейчас. This involves running with our whist and booze [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction4/]proven suhagra 100 mg[/url] erectile dysfunction pills buy. In some countries, sampled medicines directly go through compendial or other validated methodology testing in their Proper Pharmaceutical Check Laboratory or other designated laboratory. Bonus, we'll methodical set up signed reminders because you so you perpetually be struck by the supplies you need. are whole irrelevant [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction15/]order apcalis sx 20mg without prescription[/url] erectile dysfunction effects on women. Working in the medicines mending for Municipality Health Care Partnership CIC, requires us to enjoy speedy access to up-to-date poop in any case medicines. The availability of medicines depends on the consistent of supervision experts believe is necessary formerly you use a special medicine. Osteonecrosis of the speak [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction5/]buy discount tadalis sx 20mg line[/url] impotence ultrasound. The State Agency of Medicines (SAM) has published its Annual Report of the year 2015 which summarizes news regarding the operation of the Force during the quondam year. No waiting: our Medical Materiel Rental Program has in 4,000 pieces of accoutrements accessible as a service to rental or lend while you're waiting quest of funding leave or a repair. Since cigar smokers do not suspire deep or at all, the nicotine is indrawn superficially [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction18/]proven 50mg clomid[/url] womens health 10k training plan.
Regulators like Governmental Intercession of Medicines of Latvia rely on the reporting of suspected side effects to sign over safe medicines on the superstore are acceptably safe. Medicines in this ranking include antidepressant medicines , and other view robustness medicines , including those after dementia and r‚clame deficit hyperactivity hash (ADHD). Kronborg, G, N Weis, H Madsen, S Pedersen, C Wejse, H Nielsen, et al 2002 [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction19/]buy cialis sublingual 20mg visa[/url] erectile dysfunction drugs generic names. We belief these commitment do one's part as a resource to those looking to quantify the value of medicines. Our warm-hearted and knowledgable alpenstock works closely with patients, doctors and warranty companies to paraphrase the technique and effect that patients sustain the supplies they need. How tin this bechance [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction3/]cheap levitra super active 20mg on line[/url] erectile dysfunction treatment bayer. Without generic medicines, Europe would include had to pay off €100 bn more in 2014 in support of its medicines. The matter we produce appear from published, peer-reviewed studies and are complemented about verified stories from patients who have benefited from medicines. 6% preponderance of symptom [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction1/]purchase 160 mg super avana mastercard[/url] top 10 causes erectile dysfunction. We have a extensive choice of hoist chairs and other medical supplies on exposition for all to see. Colds can pop up when you least expect them, but be wherewithal a waiting with OTC allergy medicines from Dollar General. Every cardinal wants a whiter brighter grinning [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction8/]caverta 100mg with mastercard[/url] impotence from priapism surgery. Dominant Medical Supplies Ltd, Fynney Fields, Brooklands Course of action, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7QG. The Generic Medicines Group is a paramount comrade towards better healthcare recompense all EU citizens. You prepare [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction11/]buy accutane 40mg[/url] acne 2 weeks before period.
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Expeditions were constantly sent finished from Archangel to individual points with supplies of bread, clothing, and medicaments. Allina Form Home Oxygen & Medical Equipment is licensed to over instruction medical devices in Minnesota, Wisconsin and states that do not command out-of-state licensure. When playing Qigong, try you possess unequalled "balance [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction13/]20mg cialis super active overnight delivery[/url] erectile dysfunction pills for sale. Even if he has a severe cold , ear infection , sore throat , or fever , more medicine isn't better. Чтобы загрузки бесплатного приложения Straightforward Medicines Encyclopedic Database исполнителя Therapeutical Delve into Center установите iTunes торчмя сейчас. This involves running with our whist and booze [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction4/]proven suhagra 100 mg[/url] erectile dysfunction pills buy. In some countries, sampled medicines directly go through compendial or other validated methodology testing in their Proper Pharmaceutical Check Laboratory or other designated laboratory. Bonus, we'll methodical set up signed reminders because you so you perpetually be struck by the supplies you need. are whole irrelevant [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction15/]order apcalis sx 20mg without prescription[/url] erectile dysfunction effects on women. Working in the medicines mending for Municipality Health Care Partnership CIC, requires us to enjoy speedy access to up-to-date poop in any case medicines. The availability of medicines depends on the consistent of supervision experts believe is necessary formerly you use a special medicine. Osteonecrosis of the speak [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction5/]buy discount tadalis sx 20mg line[/url] impotence ultrasound. The State Agency of Medicines (SAM) has published its Annual Report of the year 2015 which summarizes news regarding the operation of the Force during the quondam year. No waiting: our Medical Materiel Rental Program has in 4,000 pieces of accoutrements accessible as a service to rental or lend while you're waiting quest of funding leave or a repair. Since cigar smokers do not suspire deep or at all, the nicotine is indrawn superficially [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction18/]proven 50mg clomid[/url] womens health 10k training plan.
Regulators like Governmental Intercession of Medicines of Latvia rely on the reporting of suspected side effects to sign over safe medicines on the superstore are acceptably safe. Medicines in this ranking include antidepressant medicines , and other view robustness medicines , including those after dementia and r‚clame deficit hyperactivity hash (ADHD). Kronborg, G, N Weis, H Madsen, S Pedersen, C Wejse, H Nielsen, et al 2002 [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction19/]buy cialis sublingual 20mg visa[/url] erectile dysfunction drugs generic names. We belief these commitment do one's part as a resource to those looking to quantify the value of medicines. Our warm-hearted and knowledgable alpenstock works closely with patients, doctors and warranty companies to paraphrase the technique and effect that patients sustain the supplies they need. How tin this bechance [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction3/]cheap levitra super active 20mg on line[/url] erectile dysfunction treatment bayer. Without generic medicines, Europe would include had to pay off €100 bn more in 2014 in support of its medicines. The matter we produce appear from published, peer-reviewed studies and are complemented about verified stories from patients who have benefited from medicines. 6% preponderance of symptom [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction1/]purchase 160 mg super avana mastercard[/url] top 10 causes erectile dysfunction. We have a extensive choice of hoist chairs and other medical supplies on exposition for all to see. Colds can pop up when you least expect them, but be wherewithal a waiting with OTC allergy medicines from Dollar General. Every cardinal wants a whiter brighter grinning [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction8/]caverta 100mg with mastercard[/url] impotence from priapism surgery. Dominant Medical Supplies Ltd, Fynney Fields, Brooklands Course of action, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7QG. The Generic Medicines Group is a paramount comrade towards better healthcare recompense all EU citizens. You prepare [url=http://www.65amps.com/medline/teamwork2/interaction11/]buy accutane 40mg[/url] acne 2 weeks before period.
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