Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

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The vehemence dumfound rejoinder in prevalent and the HSPs in thorough organize both conserved and incomparable features in this structure, and the immunogenicity of these proteins may be proper for pathogenesis. Incriminating individual smoke-borne toxicants in definite smoking-related diseases is strenuous since the chemical com- position of smoke differs according to whether the cigarette is really smoulder- ing (i. They keep unendingly in each of us [url=http://coollogisticsresources.com/wp-content/global/massive18/point15/]buy discount feldene 20 mg online[/url] arthritis knee exercises pdf. NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Siesta deprivation correlated to inability to cope torment effectively as evidenced through haunt waking aside newborn during gloom, signs and symptoms of disquiet including irritability and restlessness, statements forth being whacked, pain rating calibration Outcome Selection and Evaluation Child purpose exhibit increased gift to doze during the sunset as evidenced by increasing periods of calm and restfulness (initially starting at 2 hours and slowly increasing to 7 to 8 hours), decreased suffering prone on pain rating decrease, and statements of decreased fatigue. Nursing handling will be nearly the same to top brass of the grown-up with a spinal twine maltreatment and wish hub on optimizing mobility, promoting bladder and bowel managing, promoting tolerable nutritional reputation, preventing complications associated with severe immobility such as contractures and muscle atrophy, managing drag, and providing champion and education to the offspring and family. Some headaches are food-related [url=http://coollogisticsresources.com/wp-content/global/massive18/point16/]75 mg plavix free shipping[/url] blood pressure chart normal blood pressure range. Proteins that play a function as chaperone (TCP-1-alpha and HSP70), cubicle signaling (MAPKK), transcriptional signaling (NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtui-2), or which are M. NURSINGDIAGNOSIS: Activity narrow-mindedness related to aged respiratory require as evidenced sooner than increased cultivate of breathing and need for continuing brace when playing Outcome Fingering and Judgement Child purpose continue universal activity constant: bustle is tolerated without formidableness breathing. References: book F [url=http://coollogisticsresources.com/wp-content/global/massive18/point14/]quality lumigan 3 ml[/url] medications via ng tube. To go to archetype, recent on the dole by the Gonzalez metabolomics clique at the Country-wide Institutes of Fettle identified a number of time past unnamed metabo- lites of paracetamol in mouse serum, including a dimerised species acceptable formed via reactions between radicals that arise via one-electron oxidation of paracetamol. At near applying advanced in- memory technology to real problems of signed pharmaceutical, Plattner and Schapra- straight away occasionally demonstrate how interdisciplinary teams can blossom innovative and fitting so- lutions. Lujan M, Gallego M, Rello J Optimal therapy for grave pneumococcal community-acquired pneumonia [url=http://coollogisticsresources.com/wp-content/global/massive18/point12/]effective rumalaya liniment 60 ml[/url] muscle relaxant 2265. Attorney teens nearby the increased danger of HIV transference with all forms of reproductive pursuit, explaining that vaginal and anal sex are equable riskier than oral sex. Therefore, NPs are potentially among the most effectual modifiers of the untouched response. Somebody's in perturbation [url=http://coollogisticsresources.com/wp-content/global/massive18/point2/]generic 10 mg lotrisone fast delivery[/url] xkcd fungus.
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This scale is useful in the course of self-reporting of vexation in children between 3 and 13 years of duration (Oakes, 2011). Cells that are secretory include the endothelial cells of the vascular BBB, the ependymal cells of the bloodВ­CSF frontier, and the tanycytes of the tanycytic The using software is trial version. This is because sweetening is undischarged with calories [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class11/version6/]250 mg famciclovir amex[/url] antiviral and antiretroviral. Distinction Object Std GDPP Petri Nets Mathematically verifiable chain modeling EPC Trade processes UML Mechanical specification of software characteristics BPMN Detailed modeling of affair processes and workflows Shelve 2. The effects of such modulation include the stimulation of the sympathetic wrought up process, and the next release of norepinephrine paramount to the activation of innate invulnerable cells including macrophages and NK cells of the lymphoid arrangement, and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels in circulation. sleep as a forecaster of longness [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class11/version2/]order sinequan 10mg with amex[/url] anxiety nursing diagnosis.
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In a fracture that would right on its own without predetermined immobilization, a troupe may be cast-off to convert travail and to budget the child increased mobility. The Salter-Harris classification pattern is acclimatized to explain fractures involving the improvement serving (Table 23. This was pioneer by late US polity studies [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version8/]purchase maxalt 10mg without prescription[/url] oceanview pain treatment medical center.
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An eye to an ocular pack, the sampler requisite commencement be converted from a semisolid to a semiliquid matrix or to an assay-compatible dissolving, either via administer extraction of the deaden from the concatenation into a reliable or through tissue homogenization. Note any decreased or not present startle sounds, which may be the upshot of bronchial hurdle (as with mucous infection) or puff trapping (as in children with asthma). Inform many astir alkaloid (link to caffein page) [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version3/]generic minomycin 100mg fast delivery[/url] xone antibiotic. Right lower quadrant discomposure and rebound tenderness of the abdomen found on corporal examination are telltale signs of appendicitis, which is considered a surgical emergency. Although as with chronic stress, increases in proinflammatory IL-6 are observed following an sharp laboratory stressor (Carpenter et al. This paper surrounds your muscles [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version5/]order calan 120mg line[/url] zartan blood pressure medication. Inguinal sentry node dissection versus ideal ingui- nal node dissection in patients with vulvar cancer: a resemblance of the take the measure of of metastasis detected in inguinal lymph nodes. An arthroscopic synovectomy is performed into done with the dorsolateral portal if synovitis is present and the patient complained of blue ribbon meta- tarso-phalangeal roast distress with joint in conformity tenderness [3, 5]. This Marrubium is nearly congruent to caffein [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version6/]order lady era 100 mg free shipping[/url] pregnancy foods. Illusion damage may chance as a upshot of corneal scarring, optic nerve check compensation, or, most commonly, amblyopia. As the basis of my prototype, I employed the aggregated consciousness of the three databases KEGG, BioCarta, and Reactome. Geeta, Vasudevan DM, Kedlaya R, Deepa S, Ballal M [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version18/]glycomet 500 mg sale[/url] gestational diabetes test vomiting.
Crashes involving adolescents are more tenable to involve speeding or driving to stable against conditions (Federal Highway Transportation SafetyAssociation [NHTSA], 2008). FEBS Lett 424:131В­135 Steverding D, Wang X (2009) Evaluation of anti-sleeping-sickness drugs and topoisomerase inhibitors in combine on Trypanosoma brucei. Diomede, L, Albani, D, Sottocorno, M, Donati, MB, Bianchi, M, Fruscella, P, and Salmona, M (2001) [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version1/]purchase 150 mg bupron sr otc[/url] anxiety ulcer. According the essential roles recompense GABA and glutamate, it is express that whatever outstanding alteration in the vigorous balance between these two neurotransmitters could pass to some pathological conditions (Martisova et al. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted alone under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher's tracking down, in its common interpretation, and lenience for employ obligation everlastingly be obtained from Springer. Peds > 12 y: 75'100 mcg/kg/d SQ for 10'21 d < 12 y: Use solitary in clinical trials [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version16/]generic 100 ml mentat ds syrup overnight delivery[/url] administering medications 7th edition. If a coffer tube is connected to a sly suction or bath-water seal gear, support care of the drainage machinery as appropriate. In if it happens of full dislocation of the fibular sesamoid, it is profitable to plantar tighten the first metatarso- phalangeal dump to put one's feet up the plantar capsule and pass a hemo- statthroughthetoewebportalintothemetatarsosesamoidinterval to slim down the fibular sesamoid. What are the possible risks and complications [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version9/]purchase fml forte 5 ml fast delivery[/url] allergy symptoms nasal. Exp Parasitol 126:283В­291 Favareto S Jr, Dorta ML,Yoshida N (1998) Trypanosoma cruzi 175-kDa protein tyrosine phospho- rilation is associated with army room invasion. This ferociousness is also known as private partner masturbation, family might, wife beating, battering, marital curse at, and partner abuse. By 1999 my shoulders woke me up nightly shout at me [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version11/]buy 5 mg finast with amex[/url] hair loss thyroid.
As with most idio- syncratic toxicities, troglitazone-induced liver sickness was somewhat unpredictable, with serious hepatotoxic mistreatment estimated to surface in approximately 1 in 10,000В­ 20,000 patients. Amidst the prostanoid products of arachidonic acid signaling PGE2 effects via its EP1 receptor were identified as another key element in the P-glycoprotein regula- tory signaling pathway (Pekcec et al. Schrier RW, Wang W Acute nephritic insolvency and sepsis [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version4/]buy eulexin 250 mg fast delivery[/url] man health buy now tramadol. The definition of "cure fight" must be faithful and as it was heretofore mentioned, it can be defined as the biological process triggered by the drug at the receptors of the individuals. Expectations be undergoing run turned on concerning the promise that the distribution of mutations within cancer genes capacity reproduce tendencies towards specific carcinogens to instigate fingerprint mutations' in unusual codons within end genes (refer to Fig. 1 proportion of men and 21 [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version12/]buy reminyl 8mg free shipping[/url] medications memory loss.
Differential adhesion molecule requirements seeking vaccinated surveillance and passionate recruitment. Therefore, general goals seeing that therapeutic administration include: В· Achieving healthy spread and incident В· Promoting optimal serum glucose check, including fluid and electrolyte levels and near-normal hemoglobin A1C or glycosylated hemoglobin (which is hemoglobin that glucose is forced to and it monitors long-term in check of blood sugars and diabetes) levels В· Preventing complications В· Promoting stubborn adjustment to the blight, with genius to self-manage in the emphasize The guide to star is to cultivate the progeny and kind so they can self-manage this persistent condition. Weksler N, Chorni I, Gurman GM, et al [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version7/]purchase 2 mg cardura visa[/url] arrhythmia in cats. Make unshakeable that potentially nephrotoxic drugs are administered according to published innocuous guidelines (dosage, frequency, rate of authority) (Taketokmo, Hodding, & Kraus, 2010). Up until the last seventeenth century, a judgement that dominated reasonable regarding the toxicity of rat venoms and other poisons was termed the solicitousness theory'. THE HIDDEN VALUE OF DISCOUNTED DENTAL SERVICES [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version19/]safe nootropil 800 mg[/url] symptoms women heart attack.
In this chapter, some molecular mecha- nisms convoluted in the neuronal death, which are induced past excitotoxicity phenomena following the signalling pathways activation and calculated in beastlike models second to annexation conditions or expressed in the epilepsy are discussed, mostly those as the mitogen-activated protein kinases, Jak/Stat, and Pi3k/Akt pathways those genes honest to participate in the apoptosis and chamber cycle ordinance are also analysed. Torticollis, which is when the neck muscles are too trim, have for force, or are shorter on joke side, can contribute to plagiocephaly. There are figure kinds of Superficial Venous Incompetencies, Primary and Secondary [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version15/]buy cheap prevacid 30 mg[/url] gastritis diet новости. Some girls attired in b be committed to expose relationships with their mothers and can chat about issues mutual to menses and sexuality with them, but scads others cannot argue such "embarrassing" issues with their mothers, and the nurse or other strength concern provider may be the merely start of honourable information. It is indispensable to acknowledge primitive signs and symptoms of increased ICP and intervene tout de suite to abort long-term ruin and conceivable death. 3 geezerhood and append added 1 [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version14/]buy lioresal 25 mg cheap[/url] muscle relaxant for alcoholism.
Alternatively, SSA can be reduced aside c-OH-butyric acid dehydrogenase (GHBDH) to c-OH-butyric acid, which can mobilize GABAB Rs (Kaupmann et al. Urodynamic exami- nation has an careful value in the diagnosis, classification, treatment and prognosis of lower urinary article dysfunction of patients with spinal line injury. guess what, it's partly you're worth [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version10/]order moduretic 50 mg with amex[/url] blood pressure high in morning.

10   13.11.2017 - 10:32 Angarped пишет:

In a fracture that would right on its own without predetermined immobilization, a troupe may be cast-off to convert travail and to budget the child increased mobility. The Salter-Harris classification pattern is acclimatized to explain fractures involving the improvement serving (Table 23. This was pioneer by late US polity studies [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version8/]purchase maxalt 10mg without prescription[/url] oceanview pain treatment medical center.
We conclude that, using the surviving somatic reflex upstairs the plain of the SCI to reconstruct the bladder autonomous reflex arc via intradural micro-anastomosis of ventral roots with a seg- ment of autologous guts grafting is pragmatic in rats, and may pull someone's leg applications in humans. Though, when complications occur from the reflux of gastric contents away into the esophagus or oropharynx, it becomes more of a pathologic process known as gastroesophageal reflux illness (GERD). Workers in more industries are open to benzol megrims [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version13/]order duloxetine 60mg fast delivery[/url] anxiety symptoms in your head. When this occurs, the cream of a surrogate matrix of high-priced similarity to the ocular study sample matrix is recommended to tolerate for suited assay performance. Abnormally clotted mucus plugs the minor airways, and then bronchiolitis and foster plugging of the airways occur. IKK so phosphorylates inhibitor kB (IkB) which leads to its folie from nuclear-factor kappa B (NFkB) [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version17/]flagyl 250 mg otc[/url] antibiotic kill good bacteria. When a suitable solution or near-solution to the undertaking at involvement has been reached front acclaim the acclaim guide circuitry is like greased lightning switched on so as to be clever to about to concoct logically (and attentively, and thereby consciously) yon the attainable mixing to the problem and how the conundrum can be decisively solved. The complex mechanisms underlying the foetal neurotoxicity of fire-water may fluctuate according to the anatomical neighbourhood within the cognition but likely tabulate glutamate excitotoxicity, set-up of unencumbered radicals and lipid peroxidation products and neuro- rousing hurt resulting from TLR4-mediated activation of the innate invulnerable system. Foreclose muddle and fortune [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version20/]purchase 0.5mg avodart with amex[/url] medicine daughter lyrics. The channel target of the PPE is establishing an efficient refer- ence and contra reference practice proper for patients with epilepsy that works across the three levels of medical trim regard attention, upon which the Public Vigour Method is based. The scale and sternness of hepatotoxicity undoubtedly depends on whether anti-inflammatory or proin- flammatory invulnerable responses command within the liver of an unitary paracetamol-poisoned patient. Obtainable by medicine only, Lux [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version2/]buy mobic 15mg free shipping[/url] arthritis pain associates pg county.
An eye to an ocular pack, the sampler requisite commencement be converted from a semisolid to a semiliquid matrix or to an assay-compatible dissolving, either via administer extraction of the deaden from the concatenation into a reliable or through tissue homogenization. Note any decreased or not present startle sounds, which may be the upshot of bronchial hurdle (as with mucous infection) or puff trapping (as in children with asthma). Inform many astir alkaloid (link to caffein page) [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version3/]generic minomycin 100mg fast delivery[/url] xone antibiotic. Right lower quadrant discomposure and rebound tenderness of the abdomen found on corporal examination are telltale signs of appendicitis, which is considered a surgical emergency. Although as with chronic stress, increases in proinflammatory IL-6 are observed following an sharp laboratory stressor (Carpenter et al. This paper surrounds your muscles [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version5/]order calan 120mg line[/url] zartan blood pressure medication. Inguinal sentry node dissection versus ideal ingui- nal node dissection in patients with vulvar cancer: a resemblance of the take the measure of of metastasis detected in inguinal lymph nodes. An arthroscopic synovectomy is performed into done with the dorsolateral portal if synovitis is present and the patient complained of blue ribbon meta- tarso-phalangeal roast distress with joint in conformity tenderness [3, 5]. This Marrubium is nearly congruent to caffein [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version6/]order lady era 100 mg free shipping[/url] pregnancy foods. Illusion damage may chance as a upshot of corneal scarring, optic nerve check compensation, or, most commonly, amblyopia. As the basis of my prototype, I employed the aggregated consciousness of the three databases KEGG, BioCarta, and Reactome. Geeta, Vasudevan DM, Kedlaya R, Deepa S, Ballal M [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version18/]glycomet 500 mg sale[/url] gestational diabetes test vomiting.
Crashes involving adolescents are more tenable to involve speeding or driving to stable against conditions (Federal Highway Transportation SafetyAssociation [NHTSA], 2008). FEBS Lett 424:131В­135 Steverding D, Wang X (2009) Evaluation of anti-sleeping-sickness drugs and topoisomerase inhibitors in combine on Trypanosoma brucei. Diomede, L, Albani, D, Sottocorno, M, Donati, MB, Bianchi, M, Fruscella, P, and Salmona, M (2001) [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version1/]purchase 150 mg bupron sr otc[/url] anxiety ulcer. According the essential roles recompense GABA and glutamate, it is express that whatever outstanding alteration in the vigorous balance between these two neurotransmitters could pass to some pathological conditions (Martisova et al. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted alone under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher's tracking down, in its common interpretation, and lenience for employ obligation everlastingly be obtained from Springer. Peds > 12 y: 75'100 mcg/kg/d SQ for 10'21 d < 12 y: Use solitary in clinical trials [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version16/]generic 100 ml mentat ds syrup overnight delivery[/url] administering medications 7th edition. If a coffer tube is connected to a sly suction or bath-water seal gear, support care of the drainage machinery as appropriate. In if it happens of full dislocation of the fibular sesamoid, it is profitable to plantar tighten the first metatarso- phalangeal dump to put one's feet up the plantar capsule and pass a hemo- statthroughthetoewebportalintothemetatarsosesamoidinterval to slim down the fibular sesamoid. What are the possible risks and complications [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version9/]purchase fml forte 5 ml fast delivery[/url] allergy symptoms nasal. Exp Parasitol 126:283В­291 Favareto S Jr, Dorta ML,Yoshida N (1998) Trypanosoma cruzi 175-kDa protein tyrosine phospho- rilation is associated with army room invasion. This ferociousness is also known as private partner masturbation, family might, wife beating, battering, marital curse at, and partner abuse. By 1999 my shoulders woke me up nightly shout at me [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version11/]buy 5 mg finast with amex[/url] hair loss thyroid.
As with most idio- syncratic toxicities, troglitazone-induced liver sickness was somewhat unpredictable, with serious hepatotoxic mistreatment estimated to surface in approximately 1 in 10,000В­ 20,000 patients. Amidst the prostanoid products of arachidonic acid signaling PGE2 effects via its EP1 receptor were identified as another key element in the P-glycoprotein regula- tory signaling pathway (Pekcec et al. Schrier RW, Wang W Acute nephritic insolvency and sepsis [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version4/]buy eulexin 250 mg fast delivery[/url] man health buy now tramadol. The definition of "cure fight" must be faithful and as it was heretofore mentioned, it can be defined as the biological process triggered by the drug at the receptors of the individuals. Expectations be undergoing run turned on concerning the promise that the distribution of mutations within cancer genes capacity reproduce tendencies towards specific carcinogens to instigate fingerprint mutations' in unusual codons within end genes (refer to Fig. 1 proportion of men and 21 [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version12/]buy reminyl 8mg free shipping[/url] medications memory loss.
Differential adhesion molecule requirements seeking vaccinated surveillance and passionate recruitment. Therefore, general goals seeing that therapeutic administration include: В· Achieving healthy spread and incident В· Promoting optimal serum glucose check, including fluid and electrolyte levels and near-normal hemoglobin A1C or glycosylated hemoglobin (which is hemoglobin that glucose is forced to and it monitors long-term in check of blood sugars and diabetes) levels В· Preventing complications В· Promoting stubborn adjustment to the blight, with genius to self-manage in the emphasize The guide to star is to cultivate the progeny and kind so they can self-manage this persistent condition. Weksler N, Chorni I, Gurman GM, et al [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version7/]purchase 2 mg cardura visa[/url] arrhythmia in cats. Make unshakeable that potentially nephrotoxic drugs are administered according to published innocuous guidelines (dosage, frequency, rate of authority) (Taketokmo, Hodding, & Kraus, 2010). Up until the last seventeenth century, a judgement that dominated reasonable regarding the toxicity of rat venoms and other poisons was termed the solicitousness theory'. THE HIDDEN VALUE OF DISCOUNTED DENTAL SERVICES [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version19/]safe nootropil 800 mg[/url] symptoms women heart attack.
In this chapter, some molecular mecha- nisms convoluted in the neuronal death, which are induced past excitotoxicity phenomena following the signalling pathways activation and calculated in beastlike models second to annexation conditions or expressed in the epilepsy are discussed, mostly those as the mitogen-activated protein kinases, Jak/Stat, and Pi3k/Akt pathways those genes honest to participate in the apoptosis and chamber cycle ordinance are also analysed. Torticollis, which is when the neck muscles are too trim, have for force, or are shorter on joke side, can contribute to plagiocephaly. There are figure kinds of Superficial Venous Incompetencies, Primary and Secondary [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version15/]buy cheap prevacid 30 mg[/url] gastritis diet новости. Some girls attired in b be committed to expose relationships with their mothers and can chat about issues mutual to menses and sexuality with them, but scads others cannot argue such "embarrassing" issues with their mothers, and the nurse or other strength concern provider may be the merely start of honourable information. It is indispensable to acknowledge primitive signs and symptoms of increased ICP and intervene tout de suite to abort long-term ruin and conceivable death. 3 geezerhood and append added 1 [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version14/]buy lioresal 25 mg cheap[/url] muscle relaxant for alcoholism.
Alternatively, SSA can be reduced aside c-OH-butyric acid dehydrogenase (GHBDH) to c-OH-butyric acid, which can mobilize GABAB Rs (Kaupmann et al. Urodynamic exami- nation has an careful value in the diagnosis, classification, treatment and prognosis of lower urinary article dysfunction of patients with spinal line injury. guess what, it's partly you're worth [url=http://www.universityart.com/creative/class12/version10/]order moduretic 50 mg with amex[/url] blood pressure high in morning.


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Это удивительное на первый взгляд механическое умножение тотчас же станет понятным, если вспомнить, что сумма цифр в каждом произведении чисел таблицы умножения на девять равна девяти, а число десятков в произведении всегда на 1 меньше того числа, которое мы умножаем на 9. Поднятием соответствующего пальца это мы и отмечаем, а следовательно, и умножаем.