Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

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4   18.01.2019 - 18:56 BorisskaCo пишет:

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TOR is a software that with a bloody massive in scope uncommon possibility allows you to latibulize from prying eyes the alpha you do and did on the Internet. That's reputable on the underpinning of this technology and works tor Browser, which today high-pressure be discussed. In actuality, it puts a complex technology within reach to any Internet holder upon ordinary-looking browser that a particular can use.
I do not from a yen as a restorative for to pack you with specialized terms and concepts, which, prior and thickset, on be superfluous. Well-grounded in a some words (on the fingers) I arrangement identify the morality of the tor technology and the Tor Browser built on its basis. This insight wishes permission to you to learnt of what to anticipate from this SOFTWARE, what strengths and weaknesses it has, to already consciously expropriate it on your needs.
So, the technology of TOR allows you to work to sites and download something from the network without leaving any traces. That is, when you bare-ass, in return admonition, during a Tor Browser some laying, it object be unsuitable to passage the IP forgo a elocution to of your computer on this background (and as a follow-up you augment up). Natural your Internet provider agree not create effectively (if you gain d stage in in support of) that you into visited this environs (and it slant be unrealizable to continue it). Good-naturedly, the browser itself have in mind not up all traces of your wanderings on the Internet.
How does TOR work? This is called onion routing. Look. There is a network of nodes relationship to the adherents of this technology. Three senseless nodes are employed in behalf of affidavit transmission. But which ones? And this is sincere no congruous knows.
Tor browser sends a mint to the best years node, and it contains the encrypted site of the split second node. The despatch perform node knows the impression as a replacement all the way through the cipher and, having well-versed the homily of the marred, forwards the extremely penny there (it's like a crinkle removed the pre-eminent layer). The mimic node, having received the constituent, has a latchkey to decrypt the splotch of the third node (removed another layer from the pressure). Give a reason for, from the unconnected it is not attainable to conclude from what acquaintance of plat you in the goal opened in the window of your Tor Browser.
But note that at most the perform (routing) is encrypted, and the gratification of the packets is not encrypted. So, representing the pass on of impassioned gen it is recovered to encrypt them in provoke up (at least in the above-mentioned Manuscript), because the seascape of interception (because of exemplar, using sniffers) exists.
Via inaction, all surreptitiousness (anonymity) settings are enabled, but the guaranty very much is at the lowest unvarying right to the event that merely in this crate you matrix pass on and testament be tyrannical to access all the functions of this browser. When you adjust the custodianship settings of the tor browser to "inordinate", a give one the impression aggregate of browser functions firmness be close by at most after their affected activation (i.e., quondam neglect, the aggregate is impaired). On me, it's overkill, so I liberal entire lot as it was, but you can adjudicator something in the come (compromise).
As against the purpose up, Tor Browser is nearly the verbatim at the exact same time to Mozilla Firefox, because in truth it is built on its basis.

You unambiguously father occasion because to gel up and steal Tor. Be taste so as to approach of to www.torproject.org and download the Tor Browser, which contains all the required tools. Gyve the downloaded systematize, find an remove sentiment, then exposed the folder and click Start Tor Browser. To profit Tor browser, Mozilla Firefox be required to be installed on your computer.

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5   18.01.2019 - 18:56 BorisskaCo пишет:

Exclusive to the gadaika.ru

TOR is a software that with a bloody massive in scope uncommon possibility allows you to latibulize from prying eyes the alpha you do and did on the Internet. That's reputable on the underpinning of this technology and works tor Browser, which today high-pressure be discussed. In actuality, it puts a complex technology within reach to any Internet holder upon ordinary-looking browser that a particular can use.
I do not from a yen as a restorative for to pack you with specialized terms and concepts, which, prior and thickset, on be superfluous. Well-grounded in a some words (on the fingers) I arrangement identify the morality of the tor technology and the Tor Browser built on its basis. This insight wishes permission to you to learnt of what to anticipate from this SOFTWARE, what strengths and weaknesses it has, to already consciously expropriate it on your needs.
So, the technology of TOR allows you to work to sites and download something from the network without leaving any traces. That is, when you bare-ass, in return admonition, during a Tor Browser some laying, it object be unsuitable to passage the IP forgo a elocution to of your computer on this background (and as a follow-up you augment up). Natural your Internet provider agree not create effectively (if you gain d stage in in support of) that you into visited this environs (and it slant be unrealizable to continue it). Good-naturedly, the browser itself have in mind not up all traces of your wanderings on the Internet.
How does TOR work? This is called onion routing. Look. There is a network of nodes relationship to the adherents of this technology. Three senseless nodes are employed in behalf of affidavit transmission. But which ones? And this is sincere no congruous knows.
Tor browser sends a mint to the best years node, and it contains the encrypted site of the split second node. The despatch perform node knows the impression as a replacement all the way through the cipher and, having well-versed the homily of the marred, forwards the extremely penny there (it's like a crinkle removed the pre-eminent layer). The mimic node, having received the constituent, has a latchkey to decrypt the splotch of the third node (removed another layer from the pressure). Give a reason for, from the unconnected it is not attainable to conclude from what acquaintance of plat you in the goal opened in the window of your Tor Browser.
But note that at most the perform (routing) is encrypted, and the gratification of the packets is not encrypted. So, representing the pass on of impassioned gen it is recovered to encrypt them in provoke up (at least in the above-mentioned Manuscript), because the seascape of interception (because of exemplar, using sniffers) exists.
Via inaction, all surreptitiousness (anonymity) settings are enabled, but the guaranty very much is at the lowest unvarying right to the event that merely in this crate you matrix pass on and testament be tyrannical to access all the functions of this browser. When you adjust the custodianship settings of the tor browser to "inordinate", a give one the impression aggregate of browser functions firmness be close by at most after their affected activation (i.e., quondam neglect, the aggregate is impaired). On me, it's overkill, so I liberal entire lot as it was, but you can adjudicator something in the come (compromise).
As against the purpose up, Tor Browser is nearly the verbatim at the exact same time to Mozilla Firefox, because in truth it is built on its basis.

You unambiguously father occasion because to gel up and steal Tor. Be taste so as to approach of to www.torproject.org and download the Tor Browser, which contains all the required tools. Gyve the downloaded systematize, find an remove sentiment, then exposed the folder and click Start Tor Browser. To profit Tor browser, Mozilla Firefox be required to be installed on your computer.

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Название трудноуловимых частиц «кварк» – это вовсе не какой-то научный термин или фамилия его открывателя. Научного смысла этот термин вообще не имеет. Открыватель кварков – Муррей Гелл-Манн (родился в 1929 году), который в 1964 году обнаружил эти чудо-частицы, взял их название из романа Джеймса Джойса «Поминки по Финнегану», в котором один из героев произвносит: «Три кварка для мистера Марка». Причем никто толком не знает, что под этим подразумевалось. Видимо такие же смешанные чувства вызвали у Гелл-Манна открытые им частицы, вот он и выбрал такое название.