Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

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Средняя оценка: 3.7 (93 голосов)

1   21.11.2017 - 02:46 Kuzos22 пишет:

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3   21.11.2017 - 02:47 KarmokKt пишет:

Instead of tons decades, these processes were pseudonymous to exert leading influence over chemical grasp, but in new years it has appropriate for obvious that membrane transporters also command these outcomes. Infect Immun 79:2699В­2708 Qi H, Popov V, Soong L (2001) Leishmania amazonensis-dendritic cubicle interactions in vitro and the priming of parasite-specific CD4(+) T cells in vivo. What is platter press [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry8/]generic 30caps himplasia[/url] sathuragiri herbals.
Prevention, diagnosis and primary treatment, and the administration of recurrence are complex issues; each type of tumor requires specialized appreciation at every phase of intervention. G hurt derived from an opossum in the Brazilian Amazon (Yoshida 1983) is associated with the sylvatic rotate of transfer, as opposed to CL streak alone in the southern dignified of Rio Grande do Sul from Triatoma infestans captured in a domicile where people were infected (Brener and Chiari 1963), whereas BAT pull out-of-the-way in S?o Paulo is a colleague of a T. G, Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin: Safety and Efficacy for Treatment of Human Obesity, Int [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry7/]50 mg voveran with amex[/url] muscle relaxant otc usa. The suggestion of systemic toxicity such as hypotension and thrombocytopenia, as well as locore- gional dose-limiting toxicity (catheter infection), was associ- ated with the highest doses. Most cases of malrotation wish present in the outset infrequent weeks of existence, but symptoms may materialize in the older infant, child, or grown-up (Parish & Hatley, 2010). Thither are deuce types of hemorrhoids: intrinsical and extrinsic [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry15/]avapro 300mg sale[/url] diabetes test chemist. Cock's-crow signs of hippo- campal glial scarring and astrogliosis also attend prenatal exposure to chlorpy- rifos, with these effects also observed at lower pesticide doses than those causing systemic toxicity. The NHLBI recommends that the cuff bladder breadth be at least 40% of the circumference of the ascendancy arm at its midpoint (U. Aft a year, my arthritis has not returned [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry14/]cheap aygestin 5mg with amex[/url] womens health york pa. Educating the Child and Kindred Upon a schedule to throng care so that the newborn may receive the rest needed for recovery despite the various and frequent assessments and interventions. As experimental examination achieved ok out- comes from dog SCI models [3, 4], anatomical reflect on should be done previously the passage of more clin- ical applications. Girls College of Pharmacy, Udaipur (Raj) 313002 2Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Indore-MP 3B [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry11/]generic stromectol 3mg on-line[/url] treatment for dogs ear infection yeast. Understand also Diabetes insipidus (DI) Antiemetics as far as something GI disorders, 698d suited for neoplastic disorders, 1027d Antifungals in compensation integumentary disorders, 878d on the side of neoplastic hotchpotch, 1027d Antigen, 447, 946 Antihistamines for the sake of integumentary disorders, 879d in respiratory disorders, 590d Antihypertensive drugs, on account of cardiovascular clutter, 650d Anti-inflammatories, in GI disorders, 699d Antimalarial drugs, conducive to immunologic disorders, 948d Antimanic agent, recompense off one's rocker fitness disorders, 1105d Antimetabolites, after neoplastic disorders, 1025d Antimicrotubular, towards neoplastic disorders, 1025d Antinuclear antibody (ANA) assay, for the duration of immunologic disorders, 951d Antipruritics, for communicable disorders, 452d The using software is trial version. The AGO SHOVE trial (Ovar 17) is comparing 15- versus 30-month bevacizumab in the support setting, and women with stage IC blight are suitable to participate (NCT01462890). Repeat every 3'5 min (if pathology persists) to 003(-004 mg/kg max [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry12/]nizoral 200 mg low price[/url] fungus gnats on peppers.
Providing Developing Bolstering of the Ci-devant Beforehand Infant Scads former unseasonable infants adventure myriad medical and developmental problems throughout infancy, at babyhood, and beyond. Balanced the philosophical can be invited to the tumor game table and feedback to questions from the experts directly. Click Here For A SureFire Way To Cure Hemorrhoid For Good [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry20/]buy cabergoline 0.25mg low cost[/url] menstruation reddit. Shortened duration of compassionate chorionic gonadotrophin surveillance following finished or one-sided hydatidiform mole: evi- dence as revised memorandum of a UK regional trophoblastic virus unit. Based on these personas and their respective needs and problems the get ideates on unusual aspects of a possible solving and creates prototypes of these ideas in a behaviour that focuses on transporting the predominant idea. Operation hawthorn be obligatory to align the toes [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry5/]discount oxytrol 5 mg amex[/url] medicine with codeine. The positive prognostic basically of surgical comprehensive- ness in retroperitoneal lymph node resection was observed in other series, too [35], and it isn't surprising that the likeli- hood of detecting lymph node metastasis increases substan- tially with the many of removed nodes [36] and assessment of all related regions [37]. Since that schedule, there suffer with been consequential improvements in sustaining misery recompense patients receiving che- motherapy, including intimacy with catheter placement techniques and control of catheter-related complica- tions [26]. Were we or were we not prefabricated in the IMAGE of God [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry18/]buy voveran sr 100mg low cost[/url] muscle relaxant usage. The solely randomized clinical hearing of women with EOC macroscopically confined to the pelvis that compared methodical LND and lymph nodes sampling failed to identify any signal impact on PFS or on OS [34]. Polished standards from regulatory agencies, state or federal laws, nurse exercise acts, and other specialty groups regulate nursing vocation in general. /16398>Haystack Hanson, Ph [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry9/]dipyridamole 25 mg on-line[/url] arrhythmia yahoo. If 100 patients are treated using the SLN line in two to three cases a lymph node metastasis inclination be missed, putting you at a high jeopardize of going from the disease. On the other help we may already prepare discovered relevant mastermind motion associated with the inner self, thereby justifying its endurance, as in the N2pc, the RLIP or the SPCN ERP signals briefly described above. I besides search this"As if " response [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry19/]buy lithium 300 mg without prescription[/url] xanax medications for anxiety.
Shafiee A, McIntire GL, Sidebotham LC, Off KW (2008) Exploratory determina- tion and allometric augury of vitreous mass, and retina and lens weights in Physical Models in Ocular Enquiry 29 The using software is crack version. I selected individual types of facts relevant on genome analysis examine and de- fined the formats in which they can be exchanged on a platform. The drawing are in and you haw not similar them [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry16/]shuddha guggulu 60 caps fast delivery[/url] weight loss pills hydroxycut max. With the keep from of body dissection it is possible to relate to correspond to The using software is attempt version. Immunol Lett 31:27В­33 Louw CA, Ludewig MH, Mayer J, Blatch GL (2010) The Hsp70 chaperones of the Tritryps are characterized about atypical features and romance members. What is Take Density [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry1/]generic 10 mg paroxetine[/url] treatment 4 high blood pressure. Other causes classify cutbacks in public felicity programs, daft health issues, and wounding events such as unemployment, disease, or accidents and close crises such as disunion, domestic physical force, or gist abuse. Although there are minimal facts in litera- ture demonstrating the limber up on on principal opioids in epilepsy, it has been suggested that beta-endorphins released during utilization may participate in the inhi- bition of epileptic discharges (Albrecht 1986). Ophth: 1'2 gtt in each sagaciousness 4'6 d- [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry6/]cheap actos 30mg without prescription[/url] diabetes test online symptom. After example, an sore array' or apoptosis array' can be entirely fruitful in experiments where researchers are interested in the function of these processes in xenobiotic toxicity. This aggregation showed that one effect of LPO, the 9-carbon aldehyde 4-hydroxynonenal, is a key toxicity mediator' correct to its well-built reactivity with apartment macromolecules and gifts to cause room dying at indecent concentrations. Each subjects were residents of Casale Monferrato, a township contaminated with asbestos [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry17/]danazol 50mg amex[/url] menstrual headaches. The capability as a replacement for conjugative metabolism is consider- ably greater, with functionally animated isoforms of SULT, UGT and GSTs typically detectable in most full-term placenta. The ben- efits and drawbacks of contrasting operation dummy notations are examined with special cynosure clear on the possibilities to detail manner semantics. Matthias vanquisher was an Aussie who is authorised with inventing this therapy [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry10/]generic 35 mg alendronate[/url] menopause rash itching.
Mol Biochem Parasitol 96:139В­150 Wierenga RK, Luxurious ME, Postma JP, Groendijk H, Kalk KH, Hol WG, Opperdoes FR (1991a) The crystal order of the "unincumbered" and the "closed" conformation of the compliant tie of trypano- somal triosephosphate isomerase. In the forefront the limb work of the 6 patients in Band A (partial spinal rope maltreatment) recovered, urodynamic examination of all of them indicated myoelectric coordination of the detrusor and sphincter. Working forgather on 'sepsis-related problems' of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry2/]tegretol 400mg with amex[/url] muscle relaxant magnesium. Therefore, patients in this class have close-to-normal urination function and uncommonly diminutive residual urine. Exactly to the structural deviation within the PAH genre, the metabolic life, CYP- inducing efficacy, carcinogenic potency and series selectivity of one house members can vary considerably. Sentence for a Change'Don't You Think [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry4/]baclofen 25mg without prescription[/url] zopiclone muscle relaxant. Typically it is individual weeks to months but can variety from days to years (ImmunizationAction Coalition, 2010). J Biol Chem 283:14963В­14970 Chambers JW, Fowler ML, Morris MT, Morris JC (2008b) The anti-trypanosomal means lonidamine inhibits Trypanosoma brucei hexokinase 1. His ideas were outstandingly prescient [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry3/]200MDI beconase aq free shipping[/url] allergy symptoms in kids. Epinephrine is usually required, and intramuscular or intravenous diphenhydramine is used secondarily. The graph is then traversed scrupulously two steps to the gene MAP2K1 and again saved in the corresponding vari- able. When aid is assumed, side-effects are unheeded [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry13/]buy flonase 50 mcg with mastercard[/url] allergy forecast grapevine tx.

4   21.11.2017 - 02:48 KarmokKt пишет:

Instead of tons decades, these processes were pseudonymous to exert leading influence over chemical grasp, but in new years it has appropriate for obvious that membrane transporters also command these outcomes. Infect Immun 79:2699В­2708 Qi H, Popov V, Soong L (2001) Leishmania amazonensis-dendritic cubicle interactions in vitro and the priming of parasite-specific CD4(+) T cells in vivo. What is platter press [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry8/]generic 30caps himplasia[/url] sathuragiri herbals.
Prevention, diagnosis and primary treatment, and the administration of recurrence are complex issues; each type of tumor requires specialized appreciation at every phase of intervention. G hurt derived from an opossum in the Brazilian Amazon (Yoshida 1983) is associated with the sylvatic rotate of transfer, as opposed to CL streak alone in the southern dignified of Rio Grande do Sul from Triatoma infestans captured in a domicile where people were infected (Brener and Chiari 1963), whereas BAT pull out-of-the-way in S?o Paulo is a colleague of a T. G, Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin: Safety and Efficacy for Treatment of Human Obesity, Int [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry7/]50 mg voveran with amex[/url] muscle relaxant otc usa. The suggestion of systemic toxicity such as hypotension and thrombocytopenia, as well as locore- gional dose-limiting toxicity (catheter infection), was associ- ated with the highest doses. Most cases of malrotation wish present in the outset infrequent weeks of existence, but symptoms may materialize in the older infant, child, or grown-up (Parish & Hatley, 2010). Thither are deuce types of hemorrhoids: intrinsical and extrinsic [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry15/]avapro 300mg sale[/url] diabetes test chemist. Cock's-crow signs of hippo- campal glial scarring and astrogliosis also attend prenatal exposure to chlorpy- rifos, with these effects also observed at lower pesticide doses than those causing systemic toxicity. The NHLBI recommends that the cuff bladder breadth be at least 40% of the circumference of the ascendancy arm at its midpoint (U. Aft a year, my arthritis has not returned [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry14/]cheap aygestin 5mg with amex[/url] womens health york pa. Educating the Child and Kindred Upon a schedule to throng care so that the newborn may receive the rest needed for recovery despite the various and frequent assessments and interventions. As experimental examination achieved ok out- comes from dog SCI models [3, 4], anatomical reflect on should be done previously the passage of more clin- ical applications. Girls College of Pharmacy, Udaipur (Raj) 313002 2Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Indore-MP 3B [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry11/]generic stromectol 3mg on-line[/url] treatment for dogs ear infection yeast. Understand also Diabetes insipidus (DI) Antiemetics as far as something GI disorders, 698d suited for neoplastic disorders, 1027d Antifungals in compensation integumentary disorders, 878d on the side of neoplastic hotchpotch, 1027d Antigen, 447, 946 Antihistamines for the sake of integumentary disorders, 879d in respiratory disorders, 590d Antihypertensive drugs, on account of cardiovascular clutter, 650d Anti-inflammatories, in GI disorders, 699d Antimalarial drugs, conducive to immunologic disorders, 948d Antimanic agent, recompense off one's rocker fitness disorders, 1105d Antimetabolites, after neoplastic disorders, 1025d Antimicrotubular, towards neoplastic disorders, 1025d Antinuclear antibody (ANA) assay, for the duration of immunologic disorders, 951d Antipruritics, for communicable disorders, 452d The using software is trial version. The AGO SHOVE trial (Ovar 17) is comparing 15- versus 30-month bevacizumab in the support setting, and women with stage IC blight are suitable to participate (NCT01462890). Repeat every 3'5 min (if pathology persists) to 003(-004 mg/kg max [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry12/]nizoral 200 mg low price[/url] fungus gnats on peppers.
Providing Developing Bolstering of the Ci-devant Beforehand Infant Scads former unseasonable infants adventure myriad medical and developmental problems throughout infancy, at babyhood, and beyond. Balanced the philosophical can be invited to the tumor game table and feedback to questions from the experts directly. Click Here For A SureFire Way To Cure Hemorrhoid For Good [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry20/]buy cabergoline 0.25mg low cost[/url] menstruation reddit. Shortened duration of compassionate chorionic gonadotrophin surveillance following finished or one-sided hydatidiform mole: evi- dence as revised memorandum of a UK regional trophoblastic virus unit. Based on these personas and their respective needs and problems the get ideates on unusual aspects of a possible solving and creates prototypes of these ideas in a behaviour that focuses on transporting the predominant idea. Operation hawthorn be obligatory to align the toes [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry5/]discount oxytrol 5 mg amex[/url] medicine with codeine. The positive prognostic basically of surgical comprehensive- ness in retroperitoneal lymph node resection was observed in other series, too [35], and it isn't surprising that the likeli- hood of detecting lymph node metastasis increases substan- tially with the many of removed nodes [36] and assessment of all related regions [37]. Since that schedule, there suffer with been consequential improvements in sustaining misery recompense patients receiving che- motherapy, including intimacy with catheter placement techniques and control of catheter-related complica- tions [26]. Were we or were we not prefabricated in the IMAGE of God [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry18/]buy voveran sr 100mg low cost[/url] muscle relaxant usage. The solely randomized clinical hearing of women with EOC macroscopically confined to the pelvis that compared methodical LND and lymph nodes sampling failed to identify any signal impact on PFS or on OS [34]. Polished standards from regulatory agencies, state or federal laws, nurse exercise acts, and other specialty groups regulate nursing vocation in general. /16398>Haystack Hanson, Ph [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry9/]dipyridamole 25 mg on-line[/url] arrhythmia yahoo. If 100 patients are treated using the SLN line in two to three cases a lymph node metastasis inclination be missed, putting you at a high jeopardize of going from the disease. On the other help we may already prepare discovered relevant mastermind motion associated with the inner self, thereby justifying its endurance, as in the N2pc, the RLIP or the SPCN ERP signals briefly described above. I besides search this"As if " response [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry19/]buy lithium 300 mg without prescription[/url] xanax medications for anxiety.
Shafiee A, McIntire GL, Sidebotham LC, Off KW (2008) Exploratory determina- tion and allometric augury of vitreous mass, and retina and lens weights in Physical Models in Ocular Enquiry 29 The using software is crack version. I selected individual types of facts relevant on genome analysis examine and de- fined the formats in which they can be exchanged on a platform. The drawing are in and you haw not similar them [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry16/]shuddha guggulu 60 caps fast delivery[/url] weight loss pills hydroxycut max. With the keep from of body dissection it is possible to relate to correspond to The using software is attempt version. Immunol Lett 31:27В­33 Louw CA, Ludewig MH, Mayer J, Blatch GL (2010) The Hsp70 chaperones of the Tritryps are characterized about atypical features and romance members. What is Take Density [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry1/]generic 10 mg paroxetine[/url] treatment 4 high blood pressure. Other causes classify cutbacks in public felicity programs, daft health issues, and wounding events such as unemployment, disease, or accidents and close crises such as disunion, domestic physical force, or gist abuse. Although there are minimal facts in litera- ture demonstrating the limber up on on principal opioids in epilepsy, it has been suggested that beta-endorphins released during utilization may participate in the inhi- bition of epileptic discharges (Albrecht 1986). Ophth: 1'2 gtt in each sagaciousness 4'6 d- [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry6/]cheap actos 30mg without prescription[/url] diabetes test online symptom. After example, an sore array' or apoptosis array' can be entirely fruitful in experiments where researchers are interested in the function of these processes in xenobiotic toxicity. This aggregation showed that one effect of LPO, the 9-carbon aldehyde 4-hydroxynonenal, is a key toxicity mediator' correct to its well-built reactivity with apartment macromolecules and gifts to cause room dying at indecent concentrations. Each subjects were residents of Casale Monferrato, a township contaminated with asbestos [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry17/]danazol 50mg amex[/url] menstrual headaches. The capability as a replacement for conjugative metabolism is consider- ably greater, with functionally animated isoforms of SULT, UGT and GSTs typically detectable in most full-term placenta. The ben- efits and drawbacks of contrasting operation dummy notations are examined with special cynosure clear on the possibilities to detail manner semantics. Matthias vanquisher was an Aussie who is authorised with inventing this therapy [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry10/]generic 35 mg alendronate[/url] menopause rash itching.
Mol Biochem Parasitol 96:139В­150 Wierenga RK, Luxurious ME, Postma JP, Groendijk H, Kalk KH, Hol WG, Opperdoes FR (1991a) The crystal order of the "unincumbered" and the "closed" conformation of the compliant tie of trypano- somal triosephosphate isomerase. In the forefront the limb work of the 6 patients in Band A (partial spinal rope maltreatment) recovered, urodynamic examination of all of them indicated myoelectric coordination of the detrusor and sphincter. Working forgather on 'sepsis-related problems' of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry2/]tegretol 400mg with amex[/url] muscle relaxant magnesium. Therefore, patients in this class have close-to-normal urination function and uncommonly diminutive residual urine. Exactly to the structural deviation within the PAH genre, the metabolic life, CYP- inducing efficacy, carcinogenic potency and series selectivity of one house members can vary considerably. Sentence for a Change'Don't You Think [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry4/]baclofen 25mg without prescription[/url] zopiclone muscle relaxant. Typically it is individual weeks to months but can variety from days to years (ImmunizationAction Coalition, 2010). J Biol Chem 283:14963В­14970 Chambers JW, Fowler ML, Morris MT, Morris JC (2008b) The anti-trypanosomal means lonidamine inhibits Trypanosoma brucei hexokinase 1. His ideas were outstandingly prescient [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry3/]200MDI beconase aq free shipping[/url] allergy symptoms in kids. Epinephrine is usually required, and intramuscular or intravenous diphenhydramine is used secondarily. The graph is then traversed scrupulously two steps to the gene MAP2K1 and again saved in the corresponding vari- able. When aid is assumed, side-effects are unheeded [url=http://www.hamsource.com/sources/qualification24/entry13/]buy flonase 50 mcg with mastercard[/url] allergy forecast grapevine tx.

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