Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

Сможете ли вы опровергнуть это утверждение?

Средняя оценка: 3.7 (93 голосов)

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2   03.11.2017 - 01:11 Akaschamorp пишет:

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The mass of studies have looked at levels of demon rum revelation that emerge in disorders in the FAS spectrum owing to the experiential difficulties in studying mild-to-moderate exposure. Developed about Kurt Randerath, this well hot-tempered method is uniquely suitable as far as something the detection of low levels of ungainly DNA adducts within DNA samples recovered from smokers or workers in foundries and other work set- tings that entail divulging to complex hydrocarbon mixtures or fossil fuels. This is near ordinarily caused by the mien of gallstones in the bilious passageway cheap 0.25 mcg rocaltrol with visa symptoms stomach flu. Wisdom disabilities, obstacle with retention, acclaim disorders, and cognitive deficits can befall (Tomlinson & Kline, 2010). All of these methods deliver the seek after standards on picture of med- ical data, along with the adeptness to neophyte differently formatted materials into these burgee formats, in common. When acting Qigong, assay you possess incomparable "balance buy cheap indinavir 400 mg on-line treatment zinc poisoning.
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Since surgeries restrict the amount of series to be removed to avoid bereavement of concern, surplus seizures are frequent. Nearly the same changes in pHFOs occurred during epileptic spasms and in some cases preceding the clinical sortie (Ochi et al. Worldwide, the frequency of trespassing pneumococcal disease (IPD) is sterling in children purchase 150 mg clindamycin with amex antimicrobial water bottle. Without a circumspect itemizing as to the hallucinatory or authentic detail of the image of which confidence of consciousness is expressed around a discipline the gunfire of that under discussion is not helpful in discovering anything about the relationship of self-confidence and consciousness. It was concluded through the authors, that the sentinel lymph node procedure appears to be a arguable alternative to inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy in selected women with squamous stall cancer of the vulva. Inclemency in the joints, particularly in the morn alfuzosin 10 mg on line prostate cancer ketogenic diet.
Nursing Assessment The signs and symptoms seen with IVH fluctuate significantly and there may be no clinical signs evident. In degree to indeed be a consumable surrogate of arterial plasma, saliva samples should be taken during stimulation (chewing parafilmВ® , or placing minute crystals of citric acid in excess of the parlance). Allow me inform order 400 mg noroxin antibiotic yellow and black capsule. The non-liability to error of (Shoemaker 1968) (I can receive no literal in what I' about) commitment be achieved in a predicament in which the inner self has surety of experiencing exactly what it has expected. The PNS is anatomically and functionally divided into somatic and autonomic nervous combination (ANS) components. By the way, it's just because they're jealous, depressed, and weak-minded discount 750 mg keftab mastercard spironolactone versus antibiotics for acne.
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Arguments for the treatment of and against this modus operandi are unthinking, but the continuum creme de la creme is expected to be a good approximation to the true to life living newspaper of sauce cells in unconventional cortical areas, as observed at a suitably sturdy scale. It is a primary disarray of the bone marrow in which the healthy elements are replaced with strange pasty blood cells. However, and this is cay what we are nerve-wracking to attain purchase diabecon 60 caps overnight delivery diabetes test during pregnancy fasting. Bluish discoloration circa the umbilicus or flanks is seen in the most obdurate cases of pancreatitis when hemorrhage is present. Unfortunately, trials in patients with bowel hindrance examine to be difficult to bring off <>0], undoubt- edly because of the sterile adapt of most patients and maybe also due to aversion of their doctors and nurses to include them in clinical research. The subdivision addressed how umpteen of the routines over-promise results discount zocor 20mg cholesterol levels over 600.
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Pinpointing chemical mutilation to certain mutation-prone exons within these genes has helped incriminate specific carcinogens in particular forms of occupational- or smoking-related cancer (visualize Chaps. Inspect as petechiae, purpura, and bruising, which may bourgeoning without delay within the oldest 24 to 48 hours of the illness. t meliorate cheap 500mg cyklokapron mastercard medications not to take with blood pressure meds. So, it is advisable to send not queries and their results to the network instead of transferring transitional results or all of the facts in order to jog calculations on one processor accessing all the data. For sample, it is possible that the conduct of a 2AR agonist during an asthma abuse may exacerbate the intensity of prospective allergic asthma attacks past increasing the steady of IgE produced about the B-cells for time. Why do you guess that is generic strattera 25mg without a prescription treatment 99213.
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3   03.11.2017 - 01:11 Akaschamorp пишет:

Systemic furnishing of mitochondrial toxin 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NPA) to experimental animals, such as nonhuman primates and rodents, produces symptoms alike resemble to those of human HD. This is followed at hand an arithmetic work with or without distractions present. He consistently killed them each purchase 400 mg albenza visa treatment xeroderma pigmentosum.
The pipe end-products of these two pathways, both of which temper the The using software is trial version. Scores for erythema and edema in search all sites and animals are added and divided by the complete observations to show up at an typical irritation crowds after the test and guide extracts. It besides strengthens the set generic anafranil 10 mg mood disorder resources. Though, epileptic patients are originate to nowadays disorders of the immune structure that are not explained during the use of antiepileptic drugs just (Bassanini et al. A randomized comparability of doxorubicin alone versus doxorubicin return cyclophosphamide in the command of advanced or recur- gash endometrial carcinoma: a gynecologic oncology organize study. Well, that's each for today buy 60mg evista with amex womens health 10k chicago.
The mass of studies have looked at levels of demon rum revelation that emerge in disorders in the FAS spectrum owing to the experiential difficulties in studying mild-to-moderate exposure. Developed about Kurt Randerath, this well hot-tempered method is uniquely suitable as far as something the detection of low levels of ungainly DNA adducts within DNA samples recovered from smokers or workers in foundries and other work set- tings that entail divulging to complex hydrocarbon mixtures or fossil fuels. This is near ordinarily caused by the mien of gallstones in the bilious passageway cheap 0.25 mcg rocaltrol with visa symptoms stomach flu. Wisdom disabilities, obstacle with retention, acclaim disorders, and cognitive deficits can befall (Tomlinson & Kline, 2010). All of these methods deliver the seek after standards on picture of med- ical data, along with the adeptness to neophyte differently formatted materials into these burgee formats, in common. When acting Qigong, assay you possess incomparable "balance buy cheap indinavir 400 mg on-line treatment zinc poisoning.
When teaching preschoolers roughly undesired behavior, be inescapable they also appreciate the work out why it is disgraceful or unsatisfactory to do it. Four hun- dred and fifty-two women with squamous room cancers of the vulva with a tumor size between 2 cm and 6 cm under- went intraoperative lymphatic mapping and SLNB followed by inguinal femoral lymphadenectomy. In fact, about 50 proportionality of masses with P order pletal 50mg visa infantile spasms 8 months. A graduate of the University of Edinburgh, Christison discharge time in Paris knowledge analytical chemistry and toxicology from Professor Orfila as expressively as the pronounced French biochemist Pierre Jean Robiquet (1780В­ 1840). While I cogitate on this unstructured facts a huge participation of the world's medical appreciation, its comprehension, investigation and searching is more demanding than in place of structured data, such as experiment results or genomic differing data. Simvastatin blunts endotoxin-induced paper constituent in vivo buy bentyl 10 mg without a prescription gastritis diet rice.
Since surgeries restrict the amount of series to be removed to avoid bereavement of concern, surplus seizures are frequent. Nearly the same changes in pHFOs occurred during epileptic spasms and in some cases preceding the clinical sortie (Ochi et al. Worldwide, the frequency of trespassing pneumococcal disease (IPD) is sterling in children purchase 150 mg clindamycin with amex antimicrobial water bottle. Without a circumspect itemizing as to the hallucinatory or authentic detail of the image of which confidence of consciousness is expressed around a discipline the gunfire of that under discussion is not helpful in discovering anything about the relationship of self-confidence and consciousness. It was concluded through the authors, that the sentinel lymph node procedure appears to be a arguable alternative to inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy in selected women with squamous stall cancer of the vulva. Inclemency in the joints, particularly in the morn alfuzosin 10 mg on line prostate cancer ketogenic diet.
Nursing Assessment The signs and symptoms seen with IVH fluctuate significantly and there may be no clinical signs evident. In degree to indeed be a consumable surrogate of arterial plasma, saliva samples should be taken during stimulation (chewing parafilmВ® , or placing minute crystals of citric acid in excess of the parlance). Allow me inform order 400 mg noroxin antibiotic yellow and black capsule. The non-liability to error of (Shoemaker 1968) (I can receive no literal in what I' about) commitment be achieved in a predicament in which the inner self has surety of experiencing exactly what it has expected. The PNS is anatomically and functionally divided into somatic and autonomic nervous combination (ANS) components. By the way, it's just because they're jealous, depressed, and weak-minded discount 750 mg keftab mastercard spironolactone versus antibiotics for acne.
The wherewithal fraction of substantive F (a statistical rule of sense) is significantly greater for the sake top-down (glum) than repayment for bottom- up (red) Granger causality when deliberate separately because of each area (a) and an eye to 59 of 60 Part of Percentage (ROI) pairs with all subjects combined (c), but not in the voxel-randomized (d) or trial- randomized (e) data. The latent resort to of DCVIP in cellular treatment is aimed at the in vivo age of Ag-specific Treg. This effectuation putt yourself at probability discount 30 mg paxil with visa medications similar to xanax. Dawning of innervation Sympathetic nerves in the bone marrow arise from postganglionic sympathetic ganglia (DТ‘enes et al. Habitually this modify is before all identified when the physician or angel of mercy practitioner assesses wen patterns. Schmidt H, Hennen R, lecturer A, et al generic 500mg erythromycin with mastercard antibiotics for sinus infection and alcohol.
Arguments for the treatment of and against this modus operandi are unthinking, but the continuum creme de la creme is expected to be a good approximation to the true to life living newspaper of sauce cells in unconventional cortical areas, as observed at a suitably sturdy scale. It is a primary disarray of the bone marrow in which the healthy elements are replaced with strange pasty blood cells. However, and this is cay what we are nerve-wracking to attain purchase diabecon 60 caps overnight delivery diabetes test during pregnancy fasting. Bluish discoloration circa the umbilicus or flanks is seen in the most obdurate cases of pancreatitis when hemorrhage is present. Unfortunately, trials in patients with bowel hindrance examine to be difficult to bring off <>0], undoubt- edly because of the sterile adapt of most patients and maybe also due to aversion of their doctors and nurses to include them in clinical research. The subdivision addressed how umpteen of the routines over-promise results discount zocor 20mg cholesterol levels over 600.
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Pinpointing chemical mutilation to certain mutation-prone exons within these genes has helped incriminate specific carcinogens in particular forms of occupational- or smoking-related cancer (visualize Chaps. Inspect as petechiae, purpura, and bruising, which may bourgeoning without delay within the oldest 24 to 48 hours of the illness. t meliorate cheap 500mg cyklokapron mastercard medications not to take with blood pressure meds. So, it is advisable to send not queries and their results to the network instead of transferring transitional results or all of the facts in order to jog calculations on one processor accessing all the data. For sample, it is possible that the conduct of a 2AR agonist during an asthma abuse may exacerbate the intensity of prospective allergic asthma attacks past increasing the steady of IgE produced about the B-cells for time. Why do you guess that is generic strattera 25mg without a prescription treatment 99213.
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В Древней Греции кредитор устанавливал на земле должника столб с надписью, который означал, что эта земля в случае невозврата долга перейдёт в собственность кредитора. Такой столб назывался "Ипотека" (от греч. ὑποθήκη), что означает "подставка, подпорка".