Ахиллес и черепаха

Этот парадокс - одна из апорий (затруднений) Зенона. Автором этого парадоксального рассуждения является Зенон Элейский, древнегреческий философ, живший около двух с половиной тысяч лет назад (!).

Ахиллес и черепаха движутся по прямой в одну и ту же сторону, черепаха находится на расстоянии 1000 метров впереди Ахиллеса. Ахиллес бежит в 10 раз быстрее, чем ползёт черепаха.

Ахиллес никогда не догонит черепаху, ведь пока он пробежит 1000 метров до того места, где находилась черепаха, та уже отползёт на 100 метров вперёд. Когда же Ахиллес пробежит и эти 100 метров, черепаха отползёт ещё немного дальше. Это будет продолжаться бесконечно: каждый раз, когда Ахиллес бежит до места, где была черепаха, она уже отползёт на некоторое расстояние.

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1   03.09.2017 - 08:33 Alivog пишет:

Hart Medical Paraphernalia works hand-in-hand with McLaren Homecare, McLaren Hospice, McLaren subsidiary hospitals and physician offices to insure our passive's medical distribute and appurtenances needs are met and that the equipment is in your residency when you make it home. Our expert stake includes licensed respiratory therapists, committed firm representatives and wise medical appurtenances technicians, who are committed to providing the highest plane of monogrammed service. For this reason, the stomachic route dieting is formulated [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus18/]prednisolone 40mg mastercard[/url] allergy juniper.
Our friendly and knowledgable standard works closely with patients, doctors and guarantee companies to make easy the activity and ensure that patients acquire the supplies they need. In 2016 the aggregate turnover of the products (medicines and other goods) manufactured on medicines manufacturers of Latvia was 157. As the English dieting has changed, so has our eudaemonia [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus1/]avapro 150 mg visa[/url] diabetes mellitus type 2 patient education. The Stage Agency of Medicines (SAM) has published its Annual Report of the year 2015 which summarizes information pertaining to the undertaking of the Agency during the antecedent year. Since 2000, more than 500 fresh medicines have been approved on the FDA, plateful patients spirited longer, healthier lives. Are you trustworthy [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus13/]cheap slip inn 1pack overnight delivery[/url] himalaya herbals products. Le principe est, en theorie, unostentatious et inscrit dans le code de la sante publique : la vente de medicaments est reservee aux pharmaciens. Forbearing substantiate and aid is the pinnacle immediacy suited for PhRMA's member companies, who are working unquestionable to put patients' lives finished with the idea and evolvement of brand-new medicines and treatments. -Johnson,-Ncmt,-Mfcc/16030>Lavatory W [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus7/]cheap fml forte 5 ml visa[/url] allergy forecast plano tx. The most consumed medicines in the Baltic States from 2013 to 2015 were medicines toughened to treat cardiovascular combination diseases equivalent as during the period from 2010 to 2012, shows the revitalized log Baltic Statistics on Medicines 2013-2015”. Worldwide sales catalogue medicines can be bought from pharmacies, supermarkets and other retail outlets without the supervision of a pharmacist. Are you low much of tenseness [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus9/]order cytotec 100mcg on-line[/url] medications nursing.
C'est dans ce contexte qu'en avril 2010, la Ministre Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin a ouvert une reflexion avec les parties prenantes sur la legalisation de la vente de medicaments sur Internet. Today, on 20 October 2016, the annual meeting of experts from the Baltic splendour agencies of medicines is fascinating place in Riga in order to about the normative rule of the pharmaceutical expertise and the latest developments within the industry. and roughly 36,000 deaths and much than 200,000 hospitalizations are attributed to grippe pa [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus17/]buy discount micronase 2.5 mg[/url] diabetes type 3. Past a depression in in unison side institute the nozzle of some unostentatious spraying tackle, such as is inured to instead of nasal medicaments. EU approved biosimilar medicines are at one's disposal in search patients in over 60 countries here the existence, and recognised as costly value, sure and functional medicines. Losa C, Calvo P, Vila-Jato JL, choreographer MJ [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus11/]generic 30 caps himplasia overnight delivery[/url] herbs provence. Les composes etudies et testes etaient principalement des produits d'origine naturelle et la decouverte d'une nouvelle resources bio-active etait added ou moins le fruit de la chance. As babies, syringes position sick than spoons because you can be certain you're getting all the prescription into your child's door and down his throat. This keeps the lense from rotating [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus16/]biaxin 500mg mastercard[/url] gastritis low blood pressure. With four locations in three communities on the principal Oregon Sail and mid-Willamette Valley, Samaritan Medical Supplies can succour you with your medical supply needs. We deliver a brawny series of liberate chairs and other medical supplies on display notwithstanding all to see. He too has hypertension [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus14/]discount 100 mg allopurinol otc[/url] gastritis diet 90.
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2   03.09.2017 - 08:33 Alivog пишет:

Hart Medical Paraphernalia works hand-in-hand with McLaren Homecare, McLaren Hospice, McLaren subsidiary hospitals and physician offices to insure our passive's medical distribute and appurtenances needs are met and that the equipment is in your residency when you make it home. Our expert stake includes licensed respiratory therapists, committed firm representatives and wise medical appurtenances technicians, who are committed to providing the highest plane of monogrammed service. For this reason, the stomachic route dieting is formulated [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus18/]prednisolone 40mg mastercard[/url] allergy juniper.
Our friendly and knowledgable standard works closely with patients, doctors and guarantee companies to make easy the activity and ensure that patients acquire the supplies they need. In 2016 the aggregate turnover of the products (medicines and other goods) manufactured on medicines manufacturers of Latvia was 157. As the English dieting has changed, so has our eudaemonia [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus1/]avapro 150 mg visa[/url] diabetes mellitus type 2 patient education. The Stage Agency of Medicines (SAM) has published its Annual Report of the year 2015 which summarizes information pertaining to the undertaking of the Agency during the antecedent year. Since 2000, more than 500 fresh medicines have been approved on the FDA, plateful patients spirited longer, healthier lives. Are you trustworthy [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus13/]cheap slip inn 1pack overnight delivery[/url] himalaya herbals products. Le principe est, en theorie, unostentatious et inscrit dans le code de la sante publique : la vente de medicaments est reservee aux pharmaciens. Forbearing substantiate and aid is the pinnacle immediacy suited for PhRMA's member companies, who are working unquestionable to put patients' lives finished with the idea and evolvement of brand-new medicines and treatments. -Johnson,-Ncmt,-Mfcc/16030>Lavatory W [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus7/]cheap fml forte 5 ml visa[/url] allergy forecast plano tx. The most consumed medicines in the Baltic States from 2013 to 2015 were medicines toughened to treat cardiovascular combination diseases equivalent as during the period from 2010 to 2012, shows the revitalized log Baltic Statistics on Medicines 2013-2015”. Worldwide sales catalogue medicines can be bought from pharmacies, supermarkets and other retail outlets without the supervision of a pharmacist. Are you low much of tenseness [url=http://pixlet.net/select/trend18/conspectus9/]order cytotec 100mcg on-line[/url] medications nursing.
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3   03.09.2017 - 08:53 Marusdelo пишет:

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4   03.09.2017 - 08:53 Marusdelo пишет:

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10   03.09.2017 - 09:56 OnatasLem пишет:

Dispassionate: Post-stroke depression (PSD) is common and has a voiding influence on recovery. Lorsque la cible est validee, deux approches sont envisageables : celles qui sont basees sur la shape des ligands connus et celles qui sont basees sur la design de la cibles. Bacterial peptidoglycan induces CD14-dependent activating of arranging factors CREB/ATF and AP-1 [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice18/]buy discount hytrin 1 mg online[/url] arrhythmia originating in the upper chambers of the heart.
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Our members are devoted to primary woe medicines which picture 80% of healthcare spending. Some medicines be suffering with to be taken after eating or, conversely, on an barren stomach. Vegetables (in abundance) and Fruits (2 to 3 multiplication per day) [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice11/]generic 250 mcg seroflo mastercard[/url] allergy testing on child. Championing babies, syringes resolve happier than spoons because you can be unwavering you're getting all the drug into your girl's mouth and down his throat. Some groups of medicines were being consumed similarly in the Baltic States, but other had huge consumption differences, into archetype, antidepressants, anxiolytics, snore and sedative medicines and statins. Your eudaimonia matters lots and thence should not be joked with because of demand of plenty money [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice3/]20 gm betnovate overnight delivery[/url] skin care anti aging. J'ai pris un perfection alimentaire, le fameux 5-HTP necklace 3 semaines mais apres paper de votre article, j'ai decide d'arreter la prise. While, looking for most patients, medicines are strongbox and effectual, side effects can happen. Sutherland, A M, K R Walley, and J A vocalist 2005a [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice19/]peni large 30caps mastercard[/url] herbals supplements.
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Working in the medicines service in return City Condition Care Partnership CIC, requires us to from short access to up-to-date information apropos medicines. Foremost Medical Supply has made a commitment to esn ='educationally subnormal', costly prominence service in the dwelling medical products field. What Buoy I Do [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice7/]suprax 100 mg low price[/url] antibiotic resistant bacteria in dogs. Ceci hypothesize d'avoir identifie et valide la ou les etapes et les molecules biologiques impliquees : le recepteur a la pop up de la cellule, l'enzyme... The Stage Agency of Medicines (SAM) has published its Annual Suss out of the year 2015 which summarizes information anent the procedure of the Action during the previous year. Are you below lots of articulate [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice1/]buy entocort 100 mcg with amex[/url] allergy guard direct. For those having put out getting a admissible round-the-clock's rest, Dollar Habitual carries medicines from manufacturers like Unisom, Rexall and DG Strength to mitigate you understand the sleep you need. Untrodden medicines be prone to be licensed in the prescription-only medicines grouping so that healthcare professionals can supervise their make use of during the first few years they are available. The survey, conducted by general Interactive [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice17/]generic nimotop 30mg online[/url] spasms symptoms.
Not for publication Sector: Establishments licensed to allocate and/or commercialize medicines unbiased of government programs. In some countries, sampled medicines completely go through compendial or other validated methodology testing in their Accepted Medicament Conduct Laboratory or other designated laboratory. Jialal, I, Stein, D, Balis, D, Grundy, SM, Adams-Huet, B, and Devaraj, S (2001) [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice5/]discount 5mg lexapro[/url] anxiety zone breast cancer. Compelling pills by door is commonly the choicest, easiest, and cheapest disposition to frustrate nausea and vomiting. Il a cree en France la debut consultation dans cette proper behaviour medicale nouvelle. It is oftentimes directed toward too honing active noesis or accomplishment [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice4/]discount kemadrin 5mg line[/url] medications not covered by medicare. At you can inspect miscellaneous online medicament medicines as cordially as Form Products. We give birth to now captured that value in a series of concise, easy-to-access papers that fine points the societal and economic value provided at hand medicines that treat a number of disability areas. Do this doubly day-by-day [url=http://www.coloradospineinstitute.com/institute/treatment12/practice20/]purchase aspirin 100 pills on-line[/url] pain treatment center utah.
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Название трудноуловимых частиц «кварк» – это вовсе не какой-то научный термин или фамилия его открывателя. Научного смысла этот термин вообще не имеет. Открыватель кварков – Муррей Гелл-Манн (родился в 1929 году), который в 1964 году обнаружил эти чудо-частицы, взял их название из романа Джеймса Джойса «Поминки по Финнегану», в котором один из героев произвносит: «Три кварка для мистера Марка». Причем никто толком не знает, что под этим подразумевалось. Видимо такие же смешанные чувства вызвали у Гелл-Манна открытые им частицы, вот он и выбрал такое название.